Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 14 of the new Journey: See less of Bo: The Cape Fear Heart Walk Journey with Adam Freeman and O2 Fitness!

Made it this morning! yep! was a little more than dragging becuase I just could not sleep last night. I think the Claritin D really had me going. Still have this mess but I am pushing through! :) This morning's cardio was a little sluggish..but I maintained above my range in my heart rate, stayed above my goal for my timing and 30 minutes later...well...I did it! It fells so good! :)

I did not mention yesterday that Adam and I talked about my Compare and Despair episode! :) Compare and Despair is something I was taught years ago when you judge someone's outsides by your insides...and it only brings about misery for you..and potentially others. I was on the eliptical and looked over at the person next to me who was doing twice the speed I was doing and got to thinking how much I sucked at this! I thought that I was really failing and I must be doing something wrong. I have had the thought when looking around at others doing exercises that looked a whole lot tougher than mine and they not looking more fit, yet looking fine..I asked Adam if I was doing enough? He was quick to remind me NOT to watch others. What they are doing might not be correct, but also, what they are doing, more importantly, may not be correct for me! He asked me if, when on the eliptical, did I have my heart rate at target? I said yes. Was I burning calories and getting the work out and showing improvement on my resistance? I said yes..then, that is waht I need to focus on! Not what others are doing!! Funny...that lesson is one that keeps being repeated for me! It was a great reminder and one that really put me back on track! Today, I am doing wonderfully and it is building to more and more things. In 14 days, I am already doing things that on day one, I could not do and then some!

Given this mess in my chest, I am going to work today as best I can and then take it easy..but I am here and it is another blessed day!

Cape Fear Heart Walk


It's all about Adam Freeman and his amazng training!

Please join and support the amazing folks at O2 fitness! Grateful, does not begin to describe!


Kim said...

Bo! I've been seeing your postings all over facebook and I've been able to enjoy fast internet for a change and read through your year thus far! Keep it up! :)

Cathy said...

Hey Bo! I'm on day #3 today... and have about 65 lbs to lose to get down to my goal! I'm going to follow your blog if you don't mind. LOVE your sense of humor and to be honest, it was motivating. I can't wait until I'm down 8 lbs... Congrats on your success so far and I hope you have MUCH MUCH more!

L.S. "Bo" Dean said...

Kim! I am glad you found me! It is so good to see you!!!

Cathy! I am honored to have you join in! This is "our" journey and the more the better I say! It is humbling and I am just so grateful! welcome and I wish the best to..ONE DAY AT A TIME! :)