Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 25 of the new Journey: See Less of Bo: The Cape Fear Heart Walk Journey with Adam Freeman and O2 Fitness

Last night I wanted to hang with a friend for a birthday but forgot that I had a dinner to go to celebrate at UNCW two great friends and frankly heros who were getting awards. Now, It made for a long day..and once again, the evening posed challenges. When I got home, I wanted to eat and had to wait till 7. Then when I got to the event they had dessert preset on the table. Well..i just pushed it away. They also only had sweet tea on the I ASKED and got unsweet! (not hard, but how often do we just accept what is there instead of asking, right?). Then when in line. I left the rolls and the starch and just ate the veg and chicken...and it was just fine! The evening was spectalar and a success for all and I felt great too coming out of it!

Its Saturday and slept in till quarter of eight! Actually that was not good because the retreat for the Wilmington Interfaith Hospitality Board was at 8:30 and it was not enough time to get ready and have a healthy breakfast. I just had to go without.  We had an amazing retreat and it was heart filling in many ways..but the snacks made generously available were not in my diet...In the past, I would have stopped at McDonald's on the way or I would have eaten what was there. Well quess what...I am not a starving person and I can go four hours without eating! and I did and did not die! In fact, I was just fine! LOL! I even was able to stop and see a very dear friend and their newborn on the way home and still did not wither away!

I guess what I mean to say is, yes...I should eat three healthy meals aday..but NO, if what is healthy is not available, I don't just eat what is there..I can choose to wait and get something later. That is what I did and it was better when I ate that and had a great lunch.

After lunch, I went to 02 to do my cardio...i decided to set a new goal today and set the machine on 40 minutes instead of 30...and guess what...I DID IT!!! I am so psyched! 557 calories burnt, 3.45 miles, and I was able to stay above 5.0 an hour at level 8, and while my heart rate was a little higher than usual toward the end (158-160) was awesome!

I also got to use the titanic machine and saw another friend who is one of those powers of example in our community who is not only beautiful outside, she is equally as beautiful inside. It was awesome to see here in the gym with gorgeous daughter...another inspiration! I never forget that whatever happens, I am VERY lucky, blessed etc to live with these people. Adam even stopped by today and spoke to me a minute. Even though he ahd a lot to do, he still had time to speak and give me encouragement...and I have to say the cool thing was I was 15 minutes into my time and I as still able to talk with out passing out from not being able to breathe! HA!

Anyhoo...I am off to dinner with Michael and friends! I am looking forward to going out and I know I will be able to enjoy without losing my way!

It is a good day!
thanks be!

Cape Fear Heart Walk

It's all about Adam Freeman and his amazng training!

Please join and support the amazing folks at O2 fitness! Grateful, does not begin to describe!

Aimmee are doing a team for the March of Dimes to honor Kayleigh..the spirtit that really inspired all of this! I really hope that all of you will support that in some way this year!

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