Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 37 and Day 38 (whoops) of the new Journey: See less of Bo: The Cape Fear Heart Walk Journey with Adam Freeman and O2 Fitness!

well, last night I was warm under the goose down and I thought..hmm..what have I forgotten..and the blog hit me..and I just could not get up and get it done...well, I am sure I am forgiven...cause between those cotten sheets and that comforter, there was something Holy about the peace and comfort I was feeling! HA!

I did make my cardio yesterday for the 30 minutes and the addition of the cross thingy, the bozo ball, and the chubby checker machine with the robo copo (rotator cuff) and the chicken wing out and back in side things with the dumbells. It was good! As with most thursdays though..i was just plumb tired. But it was good!

Today however, I got up with a bang after a good nights sleep..put on a pair of pants I have not worn in TWO YEARS..went in at 30 minutes of Cardio..trained with Adam until 7:30 and got to work by 8..I had to be at work a little early, so we had to cut training a little today..but he worked me hard for those was pretty amazing!

We are expecting snow and I am so glad that we might have some of that to bring some peace and beauty to our area. It is good. Lately there has been so much negativity and tragedy around me and us that that would be nice. Our lives have been great..but we see so much...I am so grateful for all I have and all I have is because of the blessings in my life!

thanks be...just thanks be!

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