Monday, April 05, 2010

Day 90 of the new Journey: See less of Bo: The Cape Fear Heart Walk Journey with Adam Freeman and O2 Fitness!

sunday was easter sunday and it was one of the most special easter's I can remember in some time. we got up and went to the sunrise vigil on wrightville beach. It was so moving and beautiful. The whole day just moved at a pace and in a day that was beautiful. But, by 6 p.m, I was in bed and drifted off to was heavenly.

As a result, I got up at 5:00 am. I went off to the gym at 6 and got in a full 30 minutes on the elliptical and started my workout on my own. Adam came in and we finished with training. It was great. But today was a small milestone on the rest of my life. Today was and is 90 days since i began this journey! in some ways it feels like a long time, but in more ways it feels like, "is that all?"...I am in such love of this new way that it is amazing it has only been 90 many great things have come my way and I am looking forward to so many more! 45 pounds GONE! Eating fast food GONE! Eating pizza GONE! not eating veg and fruit GONE! heart medicine GONE! size 54 pants GONE! indigestion and acid reflux GONE! struggling to get up stairs GONE! lack of energy GONE!
Push ups...up to 11!
Pull ups...up to 8!
30 plus minutes on the ellitpical at shot
increased weight on all machines in my work out
Biking over 6 miles at a time
increase on my cardio
over all feeling better than I have felt in years!
Eating fish!
Learning how to cook without oil and butter
Hell, NO butter in 90 days!
and while I have been allowed a free meal or a "treat" each week of whatever I want, I have not taken it becuase frankly I just don't want it! this feels too good!
No Pasta, whole wheat breads, no other breads...if you had told me that I could do this at the begining I would have said no..but it has been and continues to be a day at a time!

I am so's to 90 more and 90 more if I am granted those day at a time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you, Bo. You have done an amazing job. Enjoy the rewards of hard work.