Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 389: Greater than through love and support: Journey with the Cape Fear Heart Walk and Adam Freeman

I discovered that if you are using google reader or getting this in email, if I post a video or "vlog" you are not getting them.. So, I am going to better about sednign the link casue sometimes it really does help to be able to do the vid rather than type so that I can post what I am thinking about or information that I find. It is just quicker.

Not that I want you to have to hear the sound of my voice (which apparently I LOVE according to my friends and my partner! LOL!) and my big ole head that you have to look at when I video..but it is quicker.

Today's video is about "what does your table look like"

and here is the link to the vid:

basically, it is about the show "you are what you eat from BBC America and this nutritionist who gets folks to write down what they eat in a week (on their bad diet) and then puts in ALL on a table for them to look at. It is really disgusting when you look at it all, if I am to get healthy..what do I want my table to look at and actually, what does my table look like now..
For me today, the biggest issue is how big do i want my table to be..still a work in progress!
Thanks be!

here is a link to the show:
it is really powerful!

1 comment:

RevCat said...

My older daughter has a thing about how our shopping cart looks in the grocery store--she doesn't want any junk food thrown in to ruin the healthy and interesting food look.