Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 345: Greater than through love and support: Journey with the Cape Fear Heart Walk and Adam Freeman

it may be a week of vacation, but yes sir, I got my butt up out of the bed this morning and off to the gym. Yeah, sounds like I was really up and at em..but truth be told, as I got up I was thinking of everyway I could to call and get out of this morning! LOL! But, I knew that was the wrong thing to do. This week I really wanted to 'detox' from some holiday habits..

I have had some great treats and some "no regret" things that I have really enjoyed, but it is time to get back on the "a" game when it comes to eating and in the process I want to be on my regular track with my exercise.

Snacking is something that can sneak in so easily. So, that is the big one. At my mother-in-laws she had a ton of snacks, everywhere. It really is true that if you have it out of the house, life is easier. In alcoholics anonymous they teach to change "people, places, and things" and the same can be said for changing behaviors and actions with food in many ways. By not having "trigger foods" or unhealthy foods in the house, it is far less likely to sit down and eat them (because making a special trip for them gives more time to think about it) and having healthier alternatives around give things to reach for. Just like with the person who is changing drinking. No booze in the house..harder to drink.

I also did some prep this week with some of the veggies left from our party. I even made a couple of videos to share:

As you can see, these are about how to take time to be prepared and take care of me and us! By taking that time I am less likely to make bad choices and also I will have time to enjoy some really great food in the process.

I am really enjoying my time off this week. I have done some work around the house, taken myself out to lunch (michael is still with his mom for a couple of days), exercised, seen friends, run errands, and done some spiritual work that i have been needing to do. Nice.

So,  this week has been about getting out of the house those things from the holidays left over from the "treats" and getting back on track.

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