Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 269: Greater than through love and support: Journey with the Cape Fear Heart Walk and Adam Freeman

I cannot believe the heart walk is in three day and the oyseter roast is in two! the time flies and I am so excited!!
I hate that my head feels like it is going to explode from within from sinus pressure, but I am taking care of myself and actually for the very first time had to call in this morning and miss training. I had been woken up every hour on the hour by this head...and Adam was great about it and I was disappointed, but in order for me to get better, I gotta take care...

Anyway, last night, I now get why I was dragging. I felt this coming on when I was running. In fact in the video, I mention it:

It was a great run, and I am trying to employ those techiques that Adam talked about to get the most out of running. It is so funny how I can get so argumenative when I want to hear that I don't have to stretch beyond where I am! LOL! But I do want to achieve as much as I can and i am so grateful to have the guidance and firendship that will enable me to do this!

Now...for the rest of the week..I want you all to sign up and come to the oyster roast at Airlie gardens on Friday:
All the proceeds from this go to support the environemental education progams at Airlie

Then, sign up for the Heart Walk and come out and support hte heart walk!

It will be a great weekend!

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