Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 197: See Less of Bo: The Cape Fear Heart Walk Journey with Adam Freeman and O2 Fitness!

awesome work out today! bozo ball and jumping jacks! wahoo! loved how adam showed that he reads my blog by throwing back at me my words about being postive when faced with exercises that I hate! LOL! But really..I embraced those jumping jacks today! I just LOOOOOOVED THEM! hahaha!
I did, however love that I got to 60 and still could have done more. I loved that I did the 20 push ups twice and was not in there is something to be glad about! :) I had an idea and I am doing it...scared yet? LOL!
I am selling all of my clothes that I can't wear anymore and giving the money to the Heart Walk!
Yep! They are pretty amazing actually (if I do say so) and quite the bargain..but what is so great, is they may inspire the next person who has them to do what I did and pass them on to. They are very well made shirts (that is what I have up first..I am still working on getting up other stuff) and who knows..with the right care, they could last a lot longer and be passed on to the next person who might have this gift. I love the idea, but I also know what it is like to be larger and want to feel like I have clothes that make me look like I am comfortable and more like everyone else. While in some ways this clothes kept me thinking i was "normal" in the sense that I still have clothes like I had always worn, they also helped me not to let me self esteem go down because I was not able to wear something that made me feel acceptable. Does that make sense? I want that for someone or some other folks. No one should feel shame. That is NOT a motivator. Don't buy it..ain't into it..won't do it. The motivation has to come from wanting to feel better...and yes...look better...but the feeling...WOW!

So, if you know of someone that needs a boost..needs one of these...check them out. I am adding things daily to the items for sale as I can photograph them and get them up. It is great to have them there and dream of them going to someone that can use them and then have the money to go towards the sponsorhip for the Heartwalk.

Speaking of which...are you on my team? You can register for the Heart Walk on October 16th by You can be on my team if you like!  Look on the left hand navigation for “find a team” Then go to “UNCW- Bo Dean’s Team” and register! or you can go to my fundraising page and GIVE! don't mind that either! LOL! :) Go to then Donate..then look me up Bo Dean..then donate there! :) easy peasey..but never greasey! :)

Anyway! There is a surprise from a dear friend coming through all of this that had me literally in tears the other day. A gift that will brand this whole journey...and it is something I hope I can make into gifts for some of you...stay tuned!

Love me some days!
Thanks be!

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