Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Annual thanksgiving list 2017

Annual Thanksgiving Tradition:
Year 18. 1800 things, events, feelings I am grateful  this year....

18 Years ago I sent out a “gratitude” list of 100 things I was grateful in Wilmington that year. It was met with great success as it spurred others to think about the positive and create perspective that might not always be in focus.

Each year since, I have made a new list (times the number of years I have been doing it) and include groups, things, organizations, service, and places. (Names are only used in reference to gifts..don't go looking  your name! LOL! :)

I GENERATE A NEW LIST EACH YEAR.  This is stream of consciousness, and I try and write it as close together as I can. It is a wonderful and meaningful journey.

Regardless of what my circumstances might be, regardless of what events may occur in my life, it is a tradition I will continue, because, I/we am/are blessed and it is worth remembering, offering thanksgiving, and sharing with each other!

 I hope it will spark a list of your own and feel free to steal mine!

I am grateful :
1.)    My higher power, who I love, honor, and serve, and know as God, who sustains, directs, and loves me as well!
2.)    the very breath of life that I am granted each day
3.)    28 years and counting, one day at a time
4.)    entering our 22 year of marriage and the power of a love that still amazes and blesses me and allows me to give to and with each day as well.
5.)    the eightieth birthday of my wonderful stepfather!
6.)    Being able to share stories with Harold and spend time listening and learning from him
7.)    Knowing mother is still with us when I see the orbs in the pictures
8.)    All the dreams with daddy and how much I see him in my own face as I get older
9.)     the amazing friends I have in my life
10.)  the spiritual guidance and direction
11.)  my family of choice and the continued growth I learn from everyday
12.) my family of blood and birth
13.) having photos to see those who have passed
14.) having memorabilia in the house that connects me to where I am from
15.) for seeing Leanne doing what she loves
16.) our newest addition to the family: Hadley
17.) sharing time with my nieces on the day that Hadley was born
18.) holding Hadley on the day she was born
19.) seeing the pictures of the boys surrounding her and wesley’s arms around them all
20.) hadley’s middle name carrying on grandmother dean’s name into another generation
21.) sharing time with Carolyn and “holding” Hadley with her (as I might have with mother).
22.) Having mom in the room with the chair being their
23.) Having papa austin’s high chair redone  Hadley and sharing that connection
24.) Having some things to be able to pass on and share
25.) Having the memories of being in that high chair in grandmother lois’s kitchen
26.) Having the memories of Lauren and Morgan sitting in that high chair and mothers’
27.) Having the memory of papa and time with him
28.) Having a few things that papa made with me
29.) The memories of papa’s wood working shop and how much he enjoyed that
30.) The talent and care of Matt Hosmer helping us to restore the high chair that papa austin built
31.) Seeing the pictures of Leanne with her new granddaughter and thinking of grandmother dean and how overjoyed she was to have a little girl when Leanne was born
32.) Seeing my nieces thrive
33.) Being connected with cousins on facebook
34.) For seeing my cousin’s children thriving and all well!
35.) Watching such good things happen to family around the country and staying connected at least that way
36.)  staying connected to family of choice and all the good that happens with and  them.
37.)  the connections that come from facebook
38.)  the connections that come from Instagram
39.) In a weary world the good that is expressed and connections that are made from people who care
40.) For the pictures daily from “found things” of elin o’hara Slavick
41.) For the art and difference made in the world of elin
1.)    For suit up coming on line the day after and the creation of discussion and possibility
2.)    For those who refuse to not be about the work of all
3.)    For those who hear the need and see the call to a better self and a better world
4.)    For those who don’t worry about what they keep but use what they have to give those who need a chance
5.)    For those who understand that there is nothing as unequal as the equal treatment of unequals
6.)    For those who will speak and who will be silent and know when and where to do so
7.)    Those who show up and actually participate rather than just complain
8.)    Those who get to know what is happening, learn and make a difference with information that is informed and not just based on assumptions
9.)    Those who do not shut down on anyone
10.) Those who do not celebrate the failures of others
11.) Those who lift up the success of others
12.) Those who support and work for the success of others
13.) Those who find ways to help others be more successful than themselves
14.) Those who teach by example rather than preach
15.) Those who live what they say
16.) Those who are not perfect and don’t pretend to be so
17.) Those who have decided to care
18.) Those who have compassion
19.) Those who have values which are inclusive and desire the best for the common good
20.) Those who take time to understand differences but are not separate because of them
21.) Those who truly are intentional about their efforts to be a part of giving
22.) Those who admit when they are wrong
23.) Those who will tell me when I am wrong or at least their perceptions, rather than others so I might have time to address it or share back
24.) Those who care enough about me to worry about my health
25.) For Charles davis who was worried about my weight and said so
26.) For K.S. for worrying about how busy I had gotten and let me know and shared it
27.) For the best work “sister wives” any human being could ever have
28.) For the hugs and the reassurance and the care at work
29.) For the moments of almost giving up and being there for each other
30.) For a chief who allows me to grow and learn and be the best I can be
31.) For a work life that has tapped into my passions in ways I cannot imagine every happening in this lifetime
32.) For being able to share vision that has efficacy and is backed up with actions
33.) For the connection of working closely with someone who we meet on a spiritual level
34.) For knowing I can depend on others I work closest with
35.) For being able to see the end results of some of the work that I do and see it happening in those I do it with
36.) To watch the growth in others and see it coming from the training and professional development we are doing and providing for them and through this work
37.) For looking out across a room in training session and see eyes that light up with acknowledgement
38.) For looking across a room when I am training and see someone not engaged and find ways to bring them in with integrity
39.) To feel good with those I work with
40.) The honor of seeing so much amazing work being done
41.) The true privilege of setting up an environment and then watching a class or session come up with solutions, outcomes themselves.
42.) To step back and let things happen
43.) To know that control is the last of tool in the box
44.) To know that there is more knowledge in the room than on my powerpoint
45.) For the daily interactions with personalities and realizing that is what I said I believed “people are either here to bless me or to teach me” no other way about it.
46.) For the emails that come from time to time from people who express that connection
47.) For the high fives
48.) For the ability to give recognition and share care and concern with others
49.) For those I can truly trust  with issues and things that I really struggle with
50.) For those calls to C when I am so lost and just need clarity and she just listens and is there.
51.) For those moments when I need to feel like mom is listening and I feel her with me
52.) For the moments when I need the comfort of just shutting it all off and I have the time to do so.
53.)  the fun new connections that come from snapchat
54.)  our immediate family
55.)  Our beloved jax
56.) Seeing jax and Michael walking
57.) That jax tail making everything ok when things are tough
58.) Being able to come home in the middle of the day to feed jax, even  a minute
59.) His paws crossed over my hands
60.) His grunts when his ears are rubbed (and I am speaking of the dog! )
61.) His dreams and the little running motion in his sleep
62.) The deep breathing to “see” where he is going
63.) His bounding joy when he hears the sound of the leash
64.) His tail at the sound of his voice!
65.) Sleeping between up and making sure we get equal time of sleeping against us
66.) Watching jax explore new parks
67.) Watching jax enjoy the beach
68.) Being able to walk jax on the beach
69.) Having a dog that is so amazingly kind and caring  and with us
70.) the expectations of treats and the joy on his face
71.)  the joy coming through the door
72.)  the quiet in the house
73.) the hue and the colored lights on demand
74.) the joy being gotten out of a simple movie
75.) our chairs and where we find the most peace
76.) the sound of the snoring.
77.) never going to bed angry
78.) never going to bed resentful
79.) never going to bed with issues unresolved
80.) getting through the stress
81.) being there  each other
82.) knowing he is a gift
83.) the joy over a book sale
84.) the fidelity
85.) the trust
86.)  the love that is amazing
87.) the decision, one day at a time, to be married always
88.) taking care of the garbage
89.) taking care of our finances
90.) being worried about me not being worried about me
91.) the bizzillion trips to the kitchen
92.) the trips to get dinner
93.) just riding in the car
94.) hearing your laughter
95.) you taking care of you
96.) bringing me a cup of coffee
97.) going to the kitchen (1000 times or more)
98.) not complaining about moving stuff around in the house
99.) loving everything l cook
100.)                     having meals together
101.)                     tolerating each other’s choice of movies and shows
102.)                     finding joy in a few selections J
103.)                     putting down the phone, tablet, computer when we know it is in the way
104.)                     the absolute joy when that “treat” is on point
105.)                     making something homemade and it being the right thing
106.)                     getting you your starbucks (sorry steve, just one of those things in a family you can’t stop!)
107.)                     watching you snuggle up with jax and sleeping
108.)                     the texts when I am having a stressful day
109.)                     all the support and care
110.)                     knowing how much better all this is with you
111.)                     being a better man because of you
112.)                     our home.
113.)                     Having a home
114.)                     Having a home we love
115.)                     being so close to work
116.)                      not living in a food dessert
117.)                     Knowing what a food dessert is and working with others to change these
118.)                      the grocery store in our immediate neighborhood
119.)                      the staff and manager at Lowe’s grocery store
120.)                      Miss Sarah and almost 20 years of her checking us out
121.)                     Having our coffee (PCJ), gym and work so close by
122.)                     The college acres hoa
123.)                     The work the college acres hoa is doing to help all live together
124.)                     UNCW doing a better job dealing with nuisance tenants
125.)                     WPD holding people accountable
126.)                     The good students who realize they live in a single family home neighborhood
127.)                     The good homeowners and adults who treat the students and tenants with respect and care
128.)                     The good rental companies who aren’t in it just for the profit but really do help tenants be successful members of the community
129.)                     The beautiful azaleas in the spring
130.)                     The amazing wildlife in the neighborhood
131.)                     The birds and our Seahawk in the neighborhood
132.)                     Our fox and den by the pond
133.)                     Having church of the servant walkable from the house
134.)                     Church of the servant
135.)                     The amazing courtyard at church of the servant
136.)                     The beautiful labyrinth at church of the servant
137.)                     The art work in church of the servant
138.)                     My favorite nativity by Andy cobb at church of the servant
139.)                     The amazing stain glass window
140.)                     The cartoon of the stain glass window
141.)                     The organ so lovingly put together over many many years
142.)                     The legacy and life of Carl Salisbury
143.)                     The new and inclusive ministry of Jodi Greenwood
144.)                     College park elementary being redone
145.)                     Montieth construction building the new college park elementary school
146.)                     Montieth construction as a whole
147.)                     The space along cardinal drive for bikes and runners
148.)                     The run along eastwood on the cross city trail
149.)                     The trail through autumn hall
150.)                     The view of the pond on autumn hall trail
151.)                     being so close to a movie theater
152.)                      being so close to the beach
153.)                      being able to get downtown so fast
154.)                      being able to walk
155.)                     Not selling quickly just because we can
156.)                     Staying because it is good  us
157.)                      A. Talbot and housekeeping
158.)                     Coming home to a clean house
159.)                     our little back yard
160.)                     having a place to step outside
161.)                     the growth of my magnolia: 40 feet plus now
162.)                     the growth of the crepe myrtle from mom and harold’s in Raliegh, still blooming
163.)                     The day lilies from mr. and mrs. Freeze in Salisbury still coming back
164.)                     the ‘payoff” bushes being so amazingly huge and sculpted now
165.)                     the creeping vine thriving
166.)                      the birdbath surprise from so long ago, still there and giving life
167.)                     The shell chimes from mother still clanging in the wind
168.)                     The bouy chime from the outerbanks still giving notice of the winds to come
169.)                     The grill and times around it
170.)                     Our little place of peace
171.)                     Jax sitting on the “grass” carpet in the sun
172.)                     Memories of Valpone and circe exploring back there
173.)                     The cardinals that come and bless us
174.)                     The other birds that come
175.)                     Our turtle doves that seem to come every year
176.)                     The connection of the fence to sheri and being able to holler over and say hello
177.)                      good neighbors
178.)                      watching out  each other
179.)                     Baby sitting each other’s dogs
180.)                     Taking care of each other’s homes
181.)                      the quiet at night
182.)                      the tree out front and its shade in the summer
183.)                     The lights in the tree during Christmas
184.)                     The massive skylight in the living room
185.)                     Looking up at the sky and seeing the clouds move
186.)                     Listening to storms and the rain fall on the glass of the skylight
187.)                     All the light in the house
188.)                     The beveled crystals in the french window
189.)                     All the rainbows at the end of the day cast about the house.
190.)                     The blessings of art all around us
191.)                     The blessings of having memories around us, not “things”
192.)                     All the books
193.)                     Michael knowing where the books are shelved
194.)                     Being able to watch movies in the house
195.)                     Having air condition when its hot
196.)                     Having heat when its cool
197.)                     Having running water (although  the first time with the list, we only have water to bath and do our laundry, we do not have water to drink any longer)
198.)                     Having the financial ability to buy our water
199.)                     Having the ability to help others
200.)                     Being able to do laundry in our home
201.)                     Being able to dry our laundry
202.)                     Having electricity
203.)                     Having internet
204.)                     Having wifi
205.)                     Not having to have cable  the fourth year.
206.)                     Having severe weather alerts
207.)                     Having a first and second floor in case of flooding or high winds
208.)                     Having a brick home
209.)                     Having pots and pans to cook with
210.)                     Having utensils to eat with and cook with
211.)                     Having food
212.)                     Having a microwave
213.)                     Having storage  food that is pest free
214.)                     Having pest control in our home
215.)                     Having pest control services regularly
216.)                     Not having to deal with mice, rats, and other pests
217.)                     Having a bed to sleep in
218.)                     Having a bed that is actually good  us
219.)                     Having a shower to bath with
220.)                     Having a bath tub to bath in
221.)                     Having indoor toilets that work
222.)                     Having sewer that is maintained and sanitary
223.)                     Having a new roof to keep rain and the elements out
224.)                     Having space to keep a car
225.)                     Being able to get into the garage and having less junk out there
226.)                     Having doors that are secure
227.)                     Having security and safety in our home
228.)                     Having security in our neighborhood
229.)                     Having sheets and pillow cases  our bed
230.)                     Having towels when we bath
231.)                     Having personal toiletries
232.)                     Having medicines in our home
233.)                     Having cleaning supplies
234.)                     Having safety supplies
235.)                     Having a hurricane kit
236.)                     Knowing what to do to protect our home and how to do it
237.)                     Have space to move about
238.)                     Have rugs  the floor
239.)                     Having clothes to wear
240.)                     Having more than one set of clothes to wear
241.)                     Having places like the gentlemen corner who take care of people
242.)                     Fleet feet
243.)                     Boseman sporting goods
244.)                     Having clothes to work out in
245.)                     Having shoes to wear to run in
246.)                     Having dress closes
247.)                     Having casual clothes
248.)                     Having bed clothes
249.)                     Having a coffee maker
250.)                     Having a toaster over
251.)                     Having kitchen gadets
252.)                     Having spices to use to cook with
253.)                     Having oils and basics to choose from to cook with
254.)                     Having music on in the house
255.)                     Having music on demand
256.)                     Having a vacuum
257.)                     Having a broom
258.)                     Having a mop
259.)                     Shaving out of granddaddy dean’s shave cup
260.)                     Having daddy’s monogrammed shirts to wear
261.)                     Looking in the mirror some days and seeing daddy
262.)                     Looking in the mirror some days and seeing mom
263.)                     Hearing inside me both of them
264.)                     My monogrammed cuff links Leanne made  me
265.)                     Seeing all the portraits on the landing as I start my day and staying connected to those who are gone.
266.)                     Hearing the chimes of the clocks in the house
267.)                     Our shared love of clocks and chimes
268.)                     Our Christmas clock coming out
269.)                     The feel of the wood under my feet
270.)                     The spiritual alcove and the place to pray
271.)                     Reading out of mothers confirmation bible
272.)                     Sitting at papas desk and the memories of him transacting business there
273.)                     The writing desk
274.)                     Remembering granddaddy phelps sitting at that in their living room
275.)                     The color of the walls
276.)                     The Indian  prayer and Harold’s Photo mother made  me and on the way out the door.
277.)                     The hand’s picture over the doors as we leave each day
278.)                     The words of Ghandi elin did  me in 98
279.)                     All the past badges on the refrigerator
280.)                     Having a refrigerator to keep our food cold
281.)                     Having a stove and oven to cook with
282.)                     Having a dishwasher
283.)                     Having a trash service
284.)                     Having Pink Trash as our service also allowing  recycling
285.)                     Being on a private street
286.)                     The retention pond at the end of our street
287.)                     The landscaping in the neighborhood
288.)                     The walk in the neighborhood
289.)                     That feeling of pure ease walking in the front door….letting go of the day
290.)                     That sense of place
291.)                     Having a home where I have lived longer than anywhere in my life
292.)                     Having a real sense of place and home
293.)                     For that feeling when I travel when I come back and I am so relieved
294.)                     For the feeling of safety here
295.)                     For the feeling of love around me here
296.)                     For the feeling of just being ok here
297.)                     Having the privildge of owning our home
298.)                     Having a brick house
299.)                     For having more than one floor
300.)                     For having space to get away and go and close a door
301.)                     For the ability to stretch out
302.)                     For the ability to create and do fun things
303.)                     For the ability to dance in my house
304.)                     For the ability to exercise in the house
305.)                     Having a few exercise tools in the house
306.)                     Having a trx in the garage
307.)                     Having a punching bag in the garage
308.)                     For the life mom gave us so I appreciate all types of music
309.)                     To be able to listen to all types of music in the house
310.)                     To have earphones if I want to get too loud
311.)                     For it not being too loud anywhere anytime around us
312.)                     Having the responsibility of owning our home
313.)                     Having insurance
314.)                     Being able to open our windows and feel the breeze when its cool
315.)                     Being able to open our windows and not be concerned about safety
316.)                     Being able to open our windows and not be concerned about air quality
317.)                     Having games to play
318.)                     Having magazines and books to read without censorship
319.)                     To be able to come home at night and not fear being outside in the dark
320.)                     The lights on the house at Christmas
321.)                     All the mangers from around the world surrounding us with the message of good news and peace
322.)                     The multicolored lights on the tree
323.)                     All the ornaments we have collected over the years
324.)                     The traditions we have built  us and  our own home
325.)                     All the crystal pieces
326.)                     Belkie bear coming out each year
327.)                     Having ornaments from my childhood
328.)                     Watching our films during the holidays
329.)                     The last of the paper mache from our apartment in chapel hill so long ago
330.)                     Michael’s blue tree
331.)                     The ornaments mother always bought  Michael and his tree
332.)                     The white byzantine manager that mom got me so long ago and how much that means Christmas above all the others
333.)                     The mangers from around the world from Katherine and how meaningful each one is, but moreover the thought when they are gotten.
334.)                     The most special and abiding friendship
335.)                     The most amazing gifts of mentoring and love
336.)                     The connection of spirt and faith
337.)                     The Christmas closet and my keeping to it (technically)
338.)                     Having the bells come out after Christmas to ring in the new year
339.)                     Mom’s bells on the door
340.)                     Having at least a little of mom’s good taste
341.)                     Having appreciation for the gifts of all parts of my experiences
342.)                     Having so many experiences to draw from
343.)                     Showing folks the view from the bell tower in the old courthouse
344.)                     Climbing the same staircase that folks in the 1890’s would have climbed
345.)                     Walking across the ceiling of the commissioner’s chambers to take folks up to the bell tower
346.)                     Soaking in the history
347.)                     Not being afraid of the hieghts up in the bell tower
348.)                     Showing people the roof of 320 chestnut
349.)                     The green roof on 320 chestnut
350.)                     The view of the river from 320 chestnut
351.)                     Sharing the view of the synagogue from 320 and the views from up there
352.)                     The old courthouse
353.)                     The commissioner’s meetings each month and being able to recognize employees
354.)                     The stair case in the old courthouse and being able to enjoy that place each month.
355.)                     Having a car to drive
356.)                     Being able to get away and drive comfortably when I need to
357.)                     Being able to drive to atlanta this summer for the conference
358.)                     Being able to drive up to boone
359.)                     Being able to raleigh so quickly
360.)                     Having a car that can is dependable
361.)                     Driving up to Norfolk and being taken off highway so we got to see places we have never seen before
362.)                     exploring areas we have never been before
363.)                     finding the library in Norfolk that had the gallery in it with all the music
364.)                     watching the ships go in an out of port in Norfolk
365.)                     printworks moving to a new location and expanding
366.)                     for meeting up with Amanda randomly on the beach and it just being joy
367.)                     for Colby stepping up to help me with training right now
368.)                     for colby’s trainng acumen and his career ahead and success behind
369.)                     for all those who want the best for folks with health and wellness
370.)                     for our wellness program at NHC
371.)                     for the Jack Barto Gymnasium at NHRMC for employee wellness
372.)                     for Chris McAbee and his studio success
373.)                     for nick and wand kentrolis and crest fitness
374.)                     for anita Harrell and fitmo
375.)                     for fitmo and its inclusive approach to training
376.)                     for fitmo and evidenced based practices for wellness and better lives for more people
377.)                     for community fitness solutions
378.)                     for the work of Brandon Knox as a trainer and as a business leader
379.)                     for Relax massage and acupuncture
380.)                     for the massage work of Samuel
381.)                     for Samuel’s new venture into going to Charlotte
382.)                     for the rowing machines at the old gold’s on racine
383.)                     for having a basic gym on racine
384.)                     for clean eatz and all they do to help so many
385.)                     for the cooking show by Yvonne Hardy
386.)                     for seeing franchise vision for Clean Eatz
387.)                     for seeing franchise vision for Pena Grill
388.)                     all of Ash’s restaurants
389.)                     for the best steak in Wilmington at brasserie!
390.)                     For simple breakfast joy at famous toastery
391.)                     For being able to order online and pick up almost anywhere
392.)                     Beef on weck! J
393.)                     Fried flounder at the boat house
394.)                     Fish tacos at k38
395.)                     Our dinner on the river at Elijah’s at sunset
396.)                     Joe and his generosity at Szechuan 132
397.)                     The art at indochine
398.)                     Roaming through the ivy cottage
399.)                     Always finding good stuff in the warehouse at ivy cottage
400.)                     For selling a few things at ivy cottage
401.)                     For not buying something at ivy cottage
402.)                     For not buying more than 100$ at Costco
403.)                     For Costco though..
404.)                     For the Costco buffet
405.)                     For being able to buy perrier on the cheap
406.)                     For being able to buy salmon on the cheap
407.)                     For all the grilled salmon I have learned to love
408.)                     For the fresh strawberries at lewis
409.)                     For the fresh blueberries at lewis
410.)                     For the gigantic blackberries at the produce stand on market
411.)                     For the watermelon man on kerr and randall
412.)                     Seeing jax at the top of the stairs guarding the house
413.)                     Having jax run up and down the stairs to get his toys
414.)                     Playing tug of war with jax
415.)                     Jax listening  the ball and chasing after it
416.)                     All the bones around the house jax has left so he can find one
417.)                     Watching michael get lost in his game
418.)                     Having a computer I can take back and th to work
419.)                     Being able to do work from home
420.)                     Being able to access email and messages from home
421.)                     Being able to cut off everything when I need
422.)                     To hear nothing and just have some silence
423.)                      the calm app that we found this year
424.)                      the sound of the corner fan
425.)                      feeling safe in the house during a thunderstorm
426.)                     Still having some of our original neighbors after almost 18 years here
427.)                     Being so close to the university
428.)                     Being able to access the woods and go  a run
429.)                     Being able to go through the neighborhood and link up to the eastwood cross city trail
430.)                     The cross city trail
431.)                     All the amazing parks in our community
432.)                     NHC Parks and Gardens
433.)                     Finding the northern regional park this year
434.)                     Kayaking in the northern regional park
435.)                     Stalking the heron in the northern regional park and having the best time watching it.
436.)                     Enjoying the river at the castle hayne park
437.)                     All the amazing activities in McCrae Park
438.)                     The Recovery Rockfest in McCrae this year
439.)                     The dedicated work of the Recovery Rockfest organizing non profit Nyla
440.)                     Another non profit that puts its money towards the program and good of those benefiting from the service
441.)                     The amazing music at the Recovery Rockfest
442.)                     The musical gifts of Hank Barbee
443.)                     The musical gifts of Orlando Parker Jr.
444.)                     The amazing and soulful renditions Orland created  rockfest
445.)                     The musical gifts of Micahel Telliga
446.)                     The musical Gifts of the   Brothers and Jenn
447.)                     The Musical gifts of Nyla Cione
448.)                     Cione Music
449.)                     The recovery rockfest walk
450.)                     Being honored to MC the recovery rockfest
451.)                     Being witness to all the young people coming out to see how to have fun sober
452.)                     Being witness to seeing all the joy without alcohol and drugs
453.)                     Being witness to good resources being available to folks just having a good time in recovery
454.)                     The parks folks being so supportive and making the event amazing
455.)                     The NHC Sheriff’s office being present to make the even so successful
456.)                     The totality of recovery exceeding 400 years
457.)                     Being able to remember and lift up at the end those in spirt not present at the rockfest, encircled in love and hope and care
458.)                     Being able to touch the lives of at least one parent searching  help and answers  her self while loving a child who is addicted.
459.)                     Seeing the message resonate in the community and be connected to so much good.
460.)                      the 40th anniversary of the home group
461.)                      my family and the lunch that followed
462.)                      the resources in our community to help others and always be available
463.)                      48 years of coastal horizons in Wilmington
464.)                      the message of Governor Cooper at the annual meeting of Coastal Horizons inc.
465.)                      the over 320 present at the dinner to bear witness to that work
466.)                      being able to deliver the invocation and benediction  the dinner again this year
467.)                      the living witness of Deb Butler at the dinner
468.)                      the impassioned speech of woody white at the dinner.
469.)                      the service each year of ola lewis at the dinner
470.)                      the continued leadership and service to Coastal of Margaret Stargell
471.)                      those who work everyday to bring Rape Crisis help to bear  those in need
472.)                      those who work everyday to bring the Youth Shelter to bear  those in need
473.)                      those who work everyday to bring the substance abuse and Mental Health services of coastal to bear everyday
474.)                      those who work everyday to bring Wilmington Health Access  Teens to bear in the school.
475.)                      the need WHAT Clinic in Hoggard High School and meeting those needs where they are when they are.
476.)                      the founding leadership of Connie Parker coming on to Coastal Horizons since the merger of WHAT and Coastal.
477.)                     And the connection coastal has with all the area resources to help those in need
478.)                      all the judges who see recovery and treatment as a greater means of service over jailing truly sick people
479.)                      the wisdom and judicial oversight of the drug court in Brunswick County of ola Lewis
480.)                     Sitting next to ola and sharing our faith at the dinner
481.)                     Sharing the faith of being surrounded by angels and all the angels who do so much in the room
482.)                      the wisdom and judicial oversight and vision that brought drug court and the innovation of treatment by James Faison
483.)                      the wisdom and judicial oversight the vision heart and soul of so many means to treat the clear path to making lives better in jay Corpening
484.)                      the amazing criminal justice advisory group that was med this year
485.)                      the vision of the criminal justice advisory group and the priority sets to make an impact over the community
486.)                      the ability to be a witness to the criminal justice advisory group and have the privilege of facilitating the work that they have put ward
487.)                     The leadership and vision the community justice services in New Hanover County
488.)                     The ability of community justice services to mitigate circumstances that allow people to take responsibility rather than just sit in jail
489.)                     The ability  community justice services to help fill gaps and create opportunity her family’s to make sure use or successful and don’t become a part but the merry go round the judicial issues the rest of their lives
490.)                     Being able to see amazingly committed people who ensure the best outcomes of everyday  those in need and those at risk of falling into judicial matters that could hamper lifelong success
491.)                      the leadership and vision of jail diversion programs
492.)                      the coming together of municipalities courts county and major in entities  like UNC W and cape fear to address the needs of every one
493.)                      those who take the time to know this is being done
494.)                     Being asked to be a part of this whole process
495.)                     The overwhelming honor and privilege everytime
496.)                     The room the group meets and the light coming in and the view of a community just outside being thought of, planned , thought about, and cared  so very deeply
497.)                     The passions and care.
498.)                     The risks and the understanding that different often has to be done
499.)                     The looks from those who care about me in the midst of the muddiest moments to let me know it is all ok…or at least I am J
500.)                     Principles over personalities becoming more real than ever in my life. Much more real.
501.)                     The judge recommending me to do something statewide.
502.)                     Being challenged to talk and think about facilitation in a different way
503.)                      being able to work with the school of government
504.)                     The school of government
505.)                     The life’s work and now the teaching to me of Donna Warner
506.)                     Sharing the vision of Public Values with me
507.)                     Being able to turn theory into something tangible and meaningful to those I serve and work with.
508.)                     Connecting this passion with something that makes such a difference  us
509.)                     Seeing more clearly how what we do makes such a difference
510.)                     Creating a means to further enhance someone’s own understanding of what they do with the bigger picture.
511.)                     Being asked to facilitate the strategic plan refresh.
512.)                     Being witness to an understanding of what we do at a level I have never been privy to bee.
513.)                     Seeing up close and affirming at a level I had not been aware of that what goes into the planning is done with absolutely everyone in mind
514.)                     Being honored to create a space  amazing things to happen with others and see it happen
515.)                     To see really good things come and witness good intent as well as good outcomes.
516.)                     To be more affirmed in all that I do and actually be more encouraged in the end
517.)                      working closely with someone who clearly is about outcomes and makes it so amazing.
518.)                     Working through a process with someone who understands this type of thinking better than I do and really wants me to succeed and helps me and loves me in it.
519.)                     our budget and strategy office at NHC
520.)                     our elt
521.)                     our smc
522.)                     all 1700 of the most amazing public servants anywhere!
523.)                     The connections of a strategic plan and seeing the outcomes  the common good
524.)                     Being able to facilitate a meeting  our amazing baseball leauges
525.)                     Our county baseball and little league organizers
526.)                     The baseball facilities that make so many good things happen  our youth.
527.)                     The parks employees who work so hard to make sure that everyone has an great time
528.)                     The Hugh M. employees in particular who steward so many good occasions
529.)                     The annual peace festival
530.)                     The grandmothers for peace
531.)                     Suit up
532.)                     The connection for people to express and be heard
533.)                     The latino festival
534.)                     The inclusive playground at Hugh Mcrae
535.)                     The NAMI walk
536.)                     NAMI of Wilmington and all they do to de stigmatize mental illness and bring support  those in need
537.)                      the Heart Walk
538.)                      the leadership of John Gizdic this year as chairman of the heart walk
539.)                      being involved in the heart walk  10 years
540.)                      the photography talent of Pam Stephens and Stephen Photography
541.)                      the life of Windell Daniels
542.)                     The speech and participation of Wilma
543.)                     The lifestyle change award  Jeff Ritchie
544.)                     The shout outs to those in the crowd who do so much
545.)                     A beautiful day to have the walk
546.)                     Another morning putting out the signs and reading each one and remembering how blessed we are
547.)                     Another sun rise over the heart walk
548.)                     The non profit prowess of Ashley miller
549.)                     The friend who always calls and shows up…
550.)                     The red capes on the kids
551.)                     The red cap survivors
552.)                     Having a minute to remember this year and reflect
553.)                     Still being alive to enjoy all this
554.)                      being able to be an MC  the heart walk again this year
555.)                      every dollar given by so many
556.)                     NHRMC team being so huge this year
557.)                     The NHRMC team picture
558.)                     The steadfast teams out again
559.)                     Intracoastal reality
560.)                     Wilmington Business Journal
561.)                     The teams that remember those who have passed
562.)                     The life of Kayleigh Anne Freeman
563.)                     The gift of Ashley, Adam, and Christy
564.)                     Sharing the stage with Big B and Sandra at the heart walk
565.)                      the musical life that is brought and the world that is made better by the DJ and radio host Sandra McClammy
566.)                      the community building, joy making, and understanding of how to make a better world of Big B
567.)                     Port city rip the runway
568.)                     Being invited back to be on the runway
569.)                     The shear joy of dancing and cutting up on the runway
570.)                     the Higgins scholarship and how much this touches back to what makes all great in our community
571.)                     the amazing designers and talent at the port city rip the runway
572.)                     the youth and mentoring that happens at port city rip the runway
573.)                     the youth at the Miracle league each Saturday
574.)                     ACCESS of Wilmington which presents the Miracle League of Wilmington
575.)                     Hiring Haley Sink and her amazing gifts as a non profit leader
576.)                     Hiring Kayla Jacubzek and her amazing gifts as a program director
577.)                     The most wonderful board with ACCESS
578.)                     To be elected Vice Chair this year of the board
579.)                      To see new members of the board really stepping up and making a difference
580.)                     To see original and founding board members honored in very special and lasting ways to honor their memories and contributions
581.)                     Getting the project SOAR grant renewed
582.)                     Serving the original vision  the field of serving veterans with disabilities
583.)                     Having activities everyday of the week
584.)                     Having evidenced based programing which shows a difference in the quality of life  those who are a part of the miracle league
585.)                     The amazing gift from the Calipari foundation
586.)                     The amazing match from Live Oak
587.)                     The awesome gifts from the 3rd (really fourth) luncheon
588.)                     The increased awareness and care from the community at large
589.)                     The participation and buddying from live oak
590.)                     The participation and buddying from Encino
591.)                     The participation and budding from UNCW women’s soccer
592.)                     The participation and buddying from UNCW Men’s Baseball
593.)                     The participation and buddying from UNCW’s College of Health and Applied Human sciences
594.)                     The participation and buddying from Coastal Christian’s Buddy Club
595.)                     The Participation and buddying from HomeCare
596.)                     The participation and Buddying from Topsail Varsity and Junior Varsity
597.)                     The amazing gift each week of the Seabelles of UNCW bringing the national anthem
598.)                     The gift of music ringing through the field
599.)                     The gift of joy in each players face when they hear their song
600.)                     The witness of seeing everyone dance and have such joy
601.)                     The witness of seeing a parent have such a sense of…freedom watching a child they never thought would have this opportunity….THRIVE…
602.)                     Everyone standing up and cheering when players leave their frames or chairs and make steps
603.)                     Facing the Gregory memorial flag each game
604.)                     The players demanding the anthem each game
605.)                     Player Tip Harris singing with the seabelles.
606.)                     Seeing the improvements season after season
607.)                     Celebrating out 10th season in the open air
608.)                     Hearing the laughter
609.)                     Having players come up to the announcer booth and hug me as they come to the field
610.)                     Being able to announce the games each week
611.)                     Coach pruden’s high pitch yell out to players
612.)                     The celebration of the Tammy pruden’s 20 years at Hoggard and her life of dedication to the students and to the efts surrounding inclusion and the best  all
613.)                     The Sheila Boles Gymmansium
614.)                     The inclusion of Sheila Boles in the naming of a building in NHC
615.)                     Valerie coming each week to person the sales table
616.)                     All the UNCW volunteers from all over the school
617.)                     KBT reality
618.)                     Making health snacks available each week
619.)                     Having non profit’s partner with the Miracle League
620.)                     Having station 17 and NHC Fire come out and Buddy and be a part of the league
621.)                     NHC Fire Day at the field
622.)                     The new season opening day celebration with the elected officials
623.)                     Olsen park and peggy Olsen being a part of all of it.
624.)                     Recognizing the campagna family
625.)                     The nixon foundation, trot and Kathryn
626.)                     The mckenzie picnic shelter, the mckenzie foundation
627.)                     The legacy of brax and pete hexter
628.)                     The weyehauser dugout
629.)                     The Anderson fieldhouse
630.)                     The Coldwell banker, seascoast reality, alpha mortgage announcer booth
631.)                     All the sponsors of field signs
632.)                     The Wilmington rotary dbacks
633.)                     The osprey global solutions cubs
634.)                     The j Michael philly deli phillies
635.)                     The 828 Church Piracts
636.)                     The Pilot club of Wilmington Braves
637.)                     The OT Solutions Mets
638.)                     The NHRMC rehabilitation hospital Athletics
639.)                     The Country Club of Landfall Staff Twins
640.)                     Seeing Mikala get up this year and make it to first base
641.)                      Watching Allison b. on her upward mobility apparatus and make it all the way around after her surgery
642.)                     Watching Harley enjoy
643.)                     Enjoying Isiah and Sincere listen  that beeper ball
644.)                     Watching Isiah make it around the bases unassisted because he has the beeper bases
645.)                     Knowing that Isiah knows and loves every song played out there
646.)                     Every sweet gift and picture from erin
647.)                     The amazing dances and celebrations of Ally H.
648.)                     The hugs from Samantha
649.)                     Watching Alexa go from chair to running and becoming so strong
650.)                     So many miracles to witness
651.)                     So many opportunities that keep getting bigger and bigger each and every year
652.)                      the squeezed arm from a parent who is just moved, a silent expression of an overwhelming joy
653.)                     The many tears of joy watching it all
654.)                     The many moments of gratitude that things keep moving ward
655.)                     The players from the other fields who come to watch these players and understand that sense of gratitude
656.)                     The fly overs that happen at just the right moments’
657.)                     Those who take the field  the first time to play
658.)                     Those who take the field  the first time to be a buddy
659.)                     Those who learn that we are all in this together
660.)                      the life’s work and example of david Morrison
661.)                      Dan Johnson becoming a board member emeritus
662.)                     The vision of dan Johnson
663.)                     The continued learning, example, and as of this writing, the few days out from finishing his MPA of David Morrison
664.)                     The amazing coaches of all the teams
665.)                     The umpires who come and volunteer their time each week
666.)                     Central rotary coming to be volunteers
667.)                      the miracles in motion race going on again this past year
668.)                      being able to run in the race
669.)                     Running side by side with david in the race (and david beating me ;)
670.)                     All those along the run who cheered everyone
671.)                     NHRMC  being the title sponsor
672.)                     All the runners who came out to be in an inclusive race
673.)                     Go time  making sure the race was inclusive
674.)                      being the first inclusive and full accessible race in NHC
675.)                      all those who came out to make the resource fair possible at the race
676.)                     The laymon group being a sponsor and making this so special
677.)                     Big b running in the race
678.)                     The intercostal information booth
679.)                     The first and largest inclusive playground in the county
680.)                     The NHC Kiwanis
681.)                     The NHC Kiwanis Pancake breakfast
682.)                     Optimist of Wilmington
683.)                     Rotary club of Wilmington
684.)                     Meeting every week at the coastline
685.)                     Being with an extension of my family at Rotary
686.)                     Being in a room with such history
687.)                     Being in a group of very diverse thoughts and ideas
688.)                     The areas of focus
689.)                     The four way test
690.)                     The leadership of the group in so many areas of our community
691.)                     The sense of place at our table
692.)                     The birthday celebrations
693.)                     The water project in Guyana
694.)                     The student of the month celebration at Williston
695.)                     Being able to do the MC presentations at the student of the month celebrations
696.)                     The faces of wonder at Williston
697.)                     The acknowledgement of good at the Williston celebrations
698.)                     The gifts from Pat to the kids to reward and acknowledge
699.)                     Williston middle school as a whole
700.)                     Rotary fundraiser
701.)                     The team work of the committee
702.)                     The work of the club to sponsor
703.)                     Tyron distributors
704.)                     Sir Tyler, the Terraces
705.)                     Pine Valley Market Catering
706.)                     The amazing gifts  the silent auction
707.)                     Debby Gumulka Design work
708.)                     Kim Fisher Designs
709.)                     Luna Ad and the ad artistry of Cathy Luna
710.)                     The connection with the funds raised and the purpose of the group
711.)                     The expenses of the event being less each time and the money raised being more.
712.)                     Rotarians having fun
713.)                     The speakers each week
714.)                     The food each week
715.)                     SawMill Catering and restaurant
716.)                     The gifts of SawMill and Charles davis to 911 each year at Thanksgiving
717.)                     Sawmill making dinner  each shift at 911 so they have something special while they keep us all safe
718.)                     MOI squash casserole! J
719.)                     The annual holiday bake sale
720.)                     The Being on the invocation committee
721.)                     The annual trip to Airlie Gardens with the boys from the Boys home
722.)                     The enjoyment of the boys at Airlie
723.)                     The dinner with the Boys bee the Airlie trip
724.)                     The gift certificates folks help us get
725.)                     Our annual trip to airlie gardens  Christmas
726.)                     The blue lights
727.)                     The additions in the lights each year
728.)                     The pier over the creek at night
729.)                     The hot coffee
730.)                     The poinsettias and the tent
731.)                     The Minnie evans bottle house lit up  the holidays
732.)                     Having it so you can walk up closer now
733.)                     The lights on the oaks with the moss over the water
734.)                     The LED tree forest
735.)                     The airlie oak lit up
736.)                     The santa experience that is done  kids with special needs
737.)                     Just walking through with Michael and being together
738.)                     Making the trip a couple of times
739.)                     the dragon at the gate with the Rudolph nose
740.)                     sitting with donna, Melissa, vicki, Kristin, Kyria, Patrice each week and being better for it
741.)                     remembering always Bernie always….and missing him so
742.)                     the public safety recognition day
743.)                     the teachers recognition day
744.)                     the installation of the district governor
745.)                     being asked to MC the event
746.)                     watching RB Ritchey become governor
747.)                     being with so many rotarians from across the district to celebrate giving back
748.)                     the literacy committee at our rotary
749.)                     the bell ringers at our rotary
750.)                     the new comers committee
751.)                     health and happiness
752.)                     the limericks of Jake
753.)                     the absolute joy of Health and Happiness from Brett Paterson
754.)                     bringing snacks to Williston teachers
755.)                     the Local Rotary foundation
756.)                     the foundation grants that meet our purposes
757.)                     the district grants
758.)                     the world’s largest rotary wheel
759.)                     the boys and girls home committee
760.)                     the rotary cottage at the boys and girls home
761.)                     the fishing trip with the boys
762.)                     finding my first sea urchin this year
763.)                     uncovering all the tulips and other shells/animals at wrightsville
764.)                     learning more about the sealife through these discoveries
765.)                     slowing down and really finding a sense of escape from the world in the life on our shores
766.)                     having to stop and focus in order to see what was literally under my feet all along
767.)                     learning how and where the most amazing creatures live
768.)                     learning how to treat these creatures so to enjoy them but not hurt them
769.)                     learning how and when they appear and don’t appear
770.)                     learning how to slow me down to be able to really enjoy
771.)                     having the joy of sharing what I find with others
772.)                     getting to discover shells at the beach and learning where to find them
773.)                     getting to discover new places shells can be found and where to find them
774.)                     seeing the most wonderful shells in the midst of shatters, because I slowed down
775.)                     being able to listen to my inner voice and just follow to places that are healing
776.)                     having joy in finding and in seeking
777.)                     being able to share and relate that adventure to others
778.)                     being able to meet others on that path and share that joy
779.)                     finding a peace, mostly, in being there with just me God
780.)                     seeing out the light in those moments and finding it
781.)                     the blue orbs that watch over me
782.)                     the green orbs that are taking such care of me
783.)                     the connection to all that is making me stand better each day
784.)                     just being this close to the beach
785.)                     having had this all opened to me
786.)                     seeing that it is necessary to take time to replenish
787.)                     seeing the walk, the hunt, the focus as part of what I have to do and need to do
788.)                     seeing the connection to nature as natural to me
789.)                     being able to get away to the mountains if only  a day
790.)                     discovering the overlook in boone
791.)                     sitting on the sound of the mountain and looking over boone and the whole county
792.)                     having memories of just such a place from CT and where this journey turned to this good at lion’s head in Salisbury
793.)                     making those connections but being present
794.)                     seeing joy in all the wonders around me
795.)                     being free in so many ways
796.)                     finding my way to blowing rock and again seeing so much there
797.)                     trying not to waste time when I have these opportunities
798.)                     being in that training with so many from across the state
799.)                     being viewed as someone who was reliable and could be relied upon
800.)                     kayaking in the reeds again this year
801.)                     being able to kayak
802.)                     launching under the bridge at Wrigthsville beach
803.)                     the launch at trails end
804.)                     the newly discover launch out at ogden park
805.)                     being able to drift and have the tide pull me around
806.)                     listening to gospel out on the water
807.)                     getting far enough out that the only sound is the water slapping and the fish jumping
808.)                     having the sun come down on my skin
809.)                     feeling the water, cool on my hand as I paddle out
810.)                     seeing the sealife under the water as I move through  and out
811.)                     seeing the herons in their nests
812.)                     watching the herons take off in flight and expand their wings
813.)                     enjoying the pelicans flying over
814.)                     watching all the birds dive bomb their dinner at  low tide while on the water with them
815.)                     launching down at fort fisher
816.)                     feeling water under neath moving around
817.)                     for the boaters who mind their wake when the see a kayaker
818.)                     for the little islands to get out on and explore a little
819.)                     for the UNCW research projects
820.)                     for the oyster rehab projects
821.)                     for the efforts by the audobon society to give the birds a place to nest
822.)                     for the oyster catchers having their time at the south end on wrigthswville
823.)                     for the amazing experience of walking through throngs of the oyster catchers and have them gather back after walking through
824.)                     for parents who teach their kids not to chase the birds and be respectful of nature
825.)                     for the visitors to our beaches who leave only their footprints
826.)                     for masonboro.org for all they do to protect our beaches and keep them clean
827.)                     for the NHC sheriff’s office for their patrols on the water
828.)                     for the wildlife officers for all they do to keep everyone safe
829.)                     for all the saves from the rips this summer
830.)                     for all those who try and educate the visitors on the rips and keep them out of harms way
831.)                     for the Wrightsville beach beach patrol and the good job they do
832.)                     for the amazing work that cape fear river watch does each year
833.)                     for the hero of the century for our area Kemp Burdette and all he does to make such a difference for our area and our river, but for our lives
834.)                     for all who care our environment and what goes in our groung, effects our air and enters our waters
835.)                     for all who work to ensure that we have something today that can last for tomorrow that is learned from the lessons of yesterday.
836.)                     being able to get back over to masonboro again this summer
837.)                     not being able to get to masonboro and discovering so much life in the mud J
838.)                     seeing my self getting upset in the wake and what a reminder that in the midst of things I have not control of, letting go and just going the best way I can is often the best way. It led right into work that was coming my way and huge changes.
839.)                     Having faith and meeting challenges in ways I have never met them bee
840.)                     Knowing my weight is in my control with choices and powerlessness and it is not the last of the story
841.)                     Knowing that the stress that has come is something I can learn from as this stress has been new but old and I can still grow
842.)                     Knowing that I am over fifty and growing..growing more than I every thought I would
843.)                     Knowing there are those who support me
844.)                     Knowing there are those who do not support me
845.)                     Knowing there are those who love me
846.)                     Knowing there are those who do not love me
847.)                     Knowing there are a few who might actually work against me
848.)                     But knowing that most don’t actually think a whole lot about me (lol!)
849.)                     Just knowing and being more right sized
850.)                     Just knowing to focus on the one I can have influence and control the actions of (me)
851.)                     Learning more to keep my mouth shut
852.)                     To love more
853.)                     Understand more
854.)                     Be more inclusive
855.)                     More about what experiences others have without making excuses  bad behavior
856.)                     To be reponsive
857.)                     To be timely
858.)                     My sock monkey
859.)                      my stuffed turtles
860.)                      the Karen Beasley sea Turtle
861.)                     The advocacy and work of Jean Beasley
862.)                     Surf city making the turtle hospital so prominent
863.)                     All the turtles the hospital has saved and saves
864.)                     Staying connected with Jean on Facebook
865.)                     Being suited up and experiencing the sheriff’s department
866.)                     Wearing the unim and standing shoulder to shoulder with recruits  a week
867.)                     The work and life’s dedication and the drill each morning with Dept. Beagle
868.)                     The sound of steps in unison when no cadence called, learning it is not about lock step it is about safety, honor, preserving liberty, and maintaining order
869.)                     Standing there listening to two recruits talk about being called back to the front lines the day after the president ramps up the hostility speeches on line and not hear a word from either of politics, just “this is my duty  and this is what we do”
870.)                     The service of each of these detetion officers and deputies
871.)                     Their ability to maintain service and integrity no matter who is in the jail
872.)                     Their ability to be professional and to treat people as humans and with dignity no matter (as, my gratitude deepened when I realized during our week of training
873.)                      the person accused of abducting a little girl, tying her to a tree and leaving her out over night in the rain, was in the jail, awaiting trail. These officers maintained a professional level of service to feed and secure, and treat him well, not matter what. This was just one of many. They served all.
874.)                     The 12 hours a day on each shift they work the jail
875.)                     The 12 hours a day they patrol the streets (12 hours shifts)
876.)                     Understanding the demands of the courthouse and all that entails
877.)                     Understanding the extreme complexity of moving prisoners back and the to court, the high level of security, what it takes to adhere to court rules, and all that is involved in keep all safe.
878.)                     The civil disobedience unit and the deep desire of this sherriff to maintain the civil rights of all involved.
879.)                     The k-9 unit and the amazing training that is involved
880.)                     The understanding of the complexity of deploying a k-9 unit and the perceptions therein
881.)                     The CSI labs and the work they do with little resources and major expectations
882.)                     The Sherriff’s office as whole
883.)                     The integrity of the training programs
884.)                     The Youth Intervention programs
885.)                     The detectives
886.)                     The Gang unit
887.)                     The awareness the gang unit is trying to make happen
888.)                     Vice and narcotics and the uphill battle they are fighting everyday
889.)                     Wearing a sheriff’s uniform shirt with daddy’s name and mine on it.
890.)                     The training unit at the sheriff’s office and all they do to get the best out of each of their people
891.)                     The animal control unit
892.)                     The dedication and care to the animals in our area from this office
893.)                     The GREAT camp  kids in the summer to come together and learn from Law Enforcement and Fire Services
894.)                     Seeing the Boots and Badge put it aside and have a great time with the kids at the camp J
895.)                     The elderly program to help those in need make sure they are checked on by the sheriff’s department and looked in on
896.)                     The extraordinary senior resource center in NHC
897.)                     The tax preparation  so many who would not have it other wise
898.)                     The prescription drug reduction program to help avoid the predatory pharmaceuticals
899.)                     The dance classes and quality of life programs
900.)                     All the home delivered meals that come out of that center every day that may be the only hot meal a senior may have
901.)                     The senior center being a voting site
902.)                     Delivering poinsettias to the senior center over the holidays to take home with them
903.)                     The weddings at the register of deeds
904.)                     Perming the weddings at the register of deeds
905.)                     The public service dedication of our register of Deeds, Tammy Beasley
906.)                     The public service dedication of our Sherriff, Ed McMahon
907.)                     The Public Service Dedication of our District Attorney, Ben David
908.)                     The amazing ADA’s in this county who do so much to speak  those who cannot speak  themselves
909.)                     The Child Safety Protocol Team and witnessing making sure all infants are spoken 
910.)                     The Juvenile Crime Prevention Committee looking after our children
911.)                     The concentrated efts of our DSS Child protective services social workers
912.)                     The concentrated efts of our Adult protective services social workers
913.)                     The amazing processing and efficiencies of our economic caseworks who ensure the best resources  all
914.)                     Nhc health educators
915.)                     Nhc school nurses, who are on the front lines and are everything to our kids
916.)                     Nhc WIC and Maternal and child health
917.)                     All those who make our restuarants safe to eat in
918.)                     All those who are keep infestations from taking over
919.)                     All those who climb that hill everyday and try and mainatain our waste at the landfill
920.)                     All those who try and serve us when we come to dump something at the landfill
921.)                     All those who try and help us understand the impact of not recycling
922.)                     All those who work that conveyor belt 12 hours a day to sort our waste to NOT fill the landfill and save us about a million dollars from recycled goods
923.)                     All those who answer the calls  us at our darkest moments
924.)                     All the 911 telecommunicators
925.)                      the time telecommunicators spend training and retraining
926.)                     the work to share the reengagement to public service
927.)                     the passion to make sure that all responders get home safely each day
928.)                     the passion and dedication to make sure that every citizen has a response to their crisis
929.)                     not having to activate this year  emergency response  a hurricane
930.)                     knowing we are ready if we do have to activate  a hurricane or any emergency response
931.)                     emergency management and all they do to protect all of us
932.)                     the safety committee
933.)                     having the honor to serve as chair this year of the committee
934.)                     the annual turkey fryer demonstration  the safety committee
935.)                     that feeling when you are with those you work with and you know you are with people you truly care about and love
936.)                     the dedication and career of mitch Duncan and his upcoming retirement
937.)                     being able to steward the service awards
938.)                     to see all the dedication and careers of service of so many who are committed to a greater vision
939.)                     to being able to steward the recognition committee
940.)                     hearing hall the stories each month of those who go above and beyond
941.)                     listening to an amazing committee who make such good, inclusive and caring decisions about awards
942.)                     having an intern from a high school this summer and letting him see a little of how government works
943.)                     having that intern be literally a child I watched grow out of his mother! J
944.)                     watching him have great experiences like going up in the bucket with the truck
945.)                     hopefully being a good influence on younger people
946.)                     having the platform to share a vision and connection with the world with others
947.)                     having a voice
948.)                     having the ability to speak and to put words together
949.)                     having the ability to slow down a little and ask for guidance
950.)                     embracing a gift and using it for my purpose
951.)                     for giving myself a little acknowledgement of growing up
952.)                     for receiving it from others too
953.)                     the amazing gift of ATD
954.)                     the gift of being able to go to the annual convention this year
955.)                     for honing my writing
956.)                     for being certified in writing instruction
957.)                     for being clearer in writing a means to help others understand how to learn and to grow
958.)                     for being cleared in translating ideas I have to others and making the concept real and relevant and effective
959.)                     for getting less RED ink on things I write  J
960.)                     for being able to move folks through a process with less stress
961.)                     for connecting with others to make all this happen and making good professional friends along the way
962.)                     for seeing how going to these conferences can open me up but also can translate into good things for what I do
963.)                     for the connection with local contacts at the conference
964.)                     for the patience of those I have met to get things going
965.)                     for the possibility of a local interest group and chapter
966.)                     for tama tea
967.)                     for tama tea’s meeting room
968.)                     for having a place to get really fresh and wonderful loose tea
969.)                     for the most amazing restaurants from the VACHs
970.)                     kbueno kicking the street corn like no other
971.)                     for them opening up cruz this year
972.)                     for them being so generous to GLOW
973.)                     for being able to attend the dinner with Gia
974.)                     for the sweet stories of the rug and it being the one in the house she grew up in
975.)                     hearing the stories about how food was her way of being heard
976.)                     for the amazing gathering in the room all focused on the success of the girls
977.)                     for the gift of friendship and being able to share special times like the Gia dinner
978.)                     for the handmade boxes from each of the girls at the dinner
979.)                     for the dedication and celebration of the GLOW school
980.)                     for the pledge of the GLOW girls that they made for themselves
981.)                     for the passion, drive and leadership of Judy Girard
982.)                     for the life of Ritchie Karron
983.)                     for the honor of being able to speak at his funeral
984.)                     for the great celebration of Ritchie being able to speak on the day he left consciousness
985.)                     for the hope that we all live such great and abundant lives
986.)                     for the connection with him always
987.)                     the landfall foundation
988.)                     being able to go to the dinner
989.)                     being present to share in the place that raises so much to share with the community and does so much good for so many
990.)                     being available to see how there are so many who see that what they have can and should be about the business of serving others
991.)                     the very graciousness of so many who want and try to make things special at these events
992.)                     for being santa claus so many times this past year
993.)                     for being able to light up so many eyes and not scare too many
994.)                     for being able to bring some joy with the suit to a family that was hurting
995.)                     being able to serve a community celebration and be their santa
996.)                     to see a community that still celebrates and lives together in such a special way
997.)                     to continue to be santa for the city and the electric way that children embrace seeing santa come in on the fire truck
998.)                     to ride on the fire truck again!
999.)                     The amazing firegighters who give up their time to make santa’s arrival perfect
1000.)                 The parks folks who make the event at greenfield lake so very special
1001.)                 The tree lighting at greenfield that is just perfect
1002.)                 The inclusion of the event at greenfield and all the children from so many different places, backgrounds and families
1003.)                 Once again being santa for good friends
1004.)                 Seeing the 100s and 100s of women coming together to give back
1005.)                 Leading the singing to bring the women into the convention center
1006.)                 Being with the other men to honor what the women are doing
1007.)                 Being witness to so much goodnesss in the room at good friends
1008.)                 To hear the story each year of how a dss person from charlotte came down years ago and told a couple of women how they might help families and people in need an now they are over 700 strong and growing and they raise 10s of thousands to help families and individuals all year long
1009.)                 How good friends does not parade people up on stage but has readers to tell a few stories. It is lovely and not exploitive!
1010.)                 Having clyde Edgerton as the entertainment last year!
1011.)                 Being santa for the little parties and events to raise money for the miracle league.
1012.)                 The absolute joy in the eyes of a youth being able to sit with and talk with santa claus.
1013.)                 Being santa for a senior project for kids with special needs
1014.)                 Seeing out miracle league kids embrace santa and spend some time
1015.)                 Having that experience of making sure santa could be embraced by everyone
1016.)                 Seeing youth support the miracle league
1017.)                 Finding the stained glass nativity at ivy cottage.
1018.)                 Seeing Sammy, the youth who did the fundraiser, later at Kbueno as a waitress and doing well!
1019.)                 Holding babies while being santa!
1020.)                 The ultimate peace and wonder is having a baby in your arms while you are in a santa suit to help parents get that pic. Pure joy!
1021.)                 Being santa at a fire station and bring the toys to the children at the station.
1022.)                 Having the joy of peggy olson at the fire station
1023.)                 Peggy olson of olson park and all she continues to do
1024.)                 The wonder of making gingerbread houses with my great nephews and my nieces
1025.)                 The great gingerbread house competition
1026.)                 Spending time with my family at the holidays
1027.)                 The joy of being able to be a parade judge again for the 10th year in a row
1028.)                 The excitement of being front and center for the holiday parade
1029.)                 Another year having a ball with marian Daugherty and
1030.)                 The best entries from some of the local community groups
1031.)                 The birth of Addison
1032.)                 The wedding of Julia Boseman and Angie Olson
1033.)                 The privilege of being asked to speak at the wedding
1034.)                 The joy of watching them be so happy
1035.)                 The heart filled wonder of seeing both their sons get along
1036.)                 The gratitude for being entrusted time with lucas
1037.)                 The momentous joy of seeing peace and resolution for a dear friend
1038.)                 Learning about another wedding venue
1039.)                 Seeing Julia look so beautiful
1040.)                 Seeing Julia in a white version of the gown I saw her in on the first night I met her at the governor Dudley mansion event so long ago..hair up and all
1041.)                 Seeing anne so happy and thriving as always
1042.)                 Remembering that there is never an end, a final, only a moment and the next may be something so much more wonderful, so much better, so much more incredible.
1043.)                 WECT and its continuation to some good things
1044.)                 The thriving commitment to everything good of Frances Weller
1045.)                 For the engagement of Frances Weller who has served us all for so long and deserves so much happiness..so very much
1046.)                 For frans fans continuing and making such a difference for those in need in the summer heat
1047.)                 For all fran has done and keeps doing to make us all healthier and better
1048.)                 Fran being our celebrity, our star, our heart and soul
1049.)                 The stargell kidney center at NHRMC
1050.)                 The players visiting the NHRMC kidney center and the pics of them there from the Stargell Foundation
1051.)                 The life and legacy of Willie Stargell through Margaret
1052.)                 To have the stories and the 10 years of hearing them
1053.)                 For shea carver
1054.)                 For encore magazine
1055.)                 For encore having the best of each year
1056.)                 For the best of giving us a voice in what we like
1057.)                 For the best of giving light to some that may not have with a process that is pretty good in terms of voting
1058.)                 For the community work and vocals of the best of the best FOZ in the morning
1059.)                 Foz’s best hugs ever
1060.)                 Foz allowing us on to talk about good things and good gets good
1061.)                 For foz making it just happy!
1062.)                 For the community work and vocals with all the tracks and programming of Big B at 97.3
1063.)                 Loving b and Sandra going facebook live so we can hear and see at work
1064.)                 For the community work, UNCW, and the best DJ, Sandra Middaymclammy of 97.3
1065.)                 For bringing the best of local bands and making the music scene what it is today, Beau Gunn
1066.)                 For the amphitheater concerts
1067.)                 The Shell concerts
1068.)                 The Wilson center concerts
1069.)                 Going to hear manheim steamroller with the family
1070.)                 planned parenthood of new hanover county
1071.)                 the annual hibiscus breakfast
1072.)                 meeting Kathleen turner
1073.)                 having Kathleen turner sign my serial mom (did not get her to say Pussy Willow though)
1074.)                 all the work that planned parenthood does for women’s reproductive heath
1075.)                 honoring my mother
1076.)                 witnessing the first successful class of the professional development academy after two years
1077.)                 the amazing words from one of the detectives
1078.)                 the upward mobility of over half the class already
1079.)                 the awesome partnership with UNCW
1080.)                 the thoughtful and caring faculty who get public outcomes
1081.)                 the space to grow
1082.)                 the honor of returning this year to mc the power of the purse for WHAT
1083.)                 connecting the event with its purpose for school based health
1084.)                 the very successful live auction at the event and lots of fun
1085.)                 American Property Experts
1086.)                 Seeing Jason run the marathon after saying he could not run!
1087.)                 The amazing support from APE for the Miracles in Motion
1088.)                 The dedication and service to Nourish from both of the Thompsons!
1089.)                 Being invited back by the housing authority to witness the dedication of the pearce house
1090.)                 The dedication of the pearce house: subsidized housing for seniors or persons who are disabled
1091.)                 Being there to see a place named for one of my true inspirations, Linda Pearce
1092.)                 The humbling moment of standing in a place of history on historical ground with historical figures
1093.)                 Remembering that that time was not in vain
1094.)                 Remembering there is still so much left to do but can be and will be done
1095.)                 Loving the way linda spoke
1096.)                 Grateful to have shown up
1097.)                 The life of Bill McCarthy
1098.)                 The wonderful memorial for bill at UNCW
1099.)                 The LGBTQIA Center at UNCW
1100.)                 The Centro Hispano at UNCW
1101.)                 The Upperman African American Center
1102.)                 The work and advocacy of Kimberly McLaurin Smith
1103.)                 The night nurse
1104.)                 The work and advocacy of Chris Montero
1105.)                 The work and advocacy of Edel Segovia
1106.)                 The work and advocacy of Candace Thompson
1107.)                 The work and advocacy of Brooke Lambert
1108.)                 The mental health practice  of rich ogle
1109.)                 The mental health practice of carrie clements
1110.)                 The mental health practice of delta behavioral
1111.)                 The mental health practice of ben baldwin
1112.)                 The mental health practice of tony Puente
1113.)                 The mental health practice of coastal horizon’s inc
1114.)                 The mental health practice of louise Coggins
1115.)                 The mental health practice of nova swanstrom
1116.)                 All who counsel and who practice and treat and are there for those in need
1117.)                 For those who bring PTSD treatment to those who have seen battle and trauma
1118.)                 For those who minister to those who suffer with what is behind their eyelids
1119.)                 For those who can raise their eyelids and see out with light because they are helped to create a clearer vision
1120.)                 For all the EMS workers in the county
1121.)                 For all the annual fire services awards ceremony
1122.)                 For the annual reach for the stars banquet
1123.)                 For dumay Gorham creating our county’s highest honored award
1124.)                 For having the event in the daniels room
1125.)                 For honoring all who have achieved a stellar award
1126.)                 For pine valley market making it affordable
1127.)                 For the most amazing recognition committee making it special
1128.)                 For those who have achieved so much being able to be recognized
1129.)                 For the commissioners attending to connect with the staff on such a powerful way
1130.)                 For telling amazing stories of actions well made and work well done
1131.)                 For the hr team who helps with this
1132.)                 For our office being fully staffed
1133.)                 For the most amazing group we are now working with
1134.)                 being allowed to MC the heart ball this year, not just bring the invocation
1135.)                 the amazing auctioneer that they had
1136.)                 being able to recognize the lathams at the dinner
1137.)                 sharing a little joy with everyone and raise some money
1138.)                 the feeling of being comfortable in my own skin
1139.)                 being able to give back and connect with something good
1140.)                 the Wilmington convention center
1141.)                 the beautiful views of the river from the center
1142.)                 finally having a hotel there next to the convention center
1143.)                 the dumay Gorham sculpture in front of the convention center
1144.)                 the Riverwalk wrapped around it  sunset views
1145.)                 the amazing sunsets in front of the center
1146.)                 the Wilmington biz conference at the convention center
1147.)                 the Wilmington biz breakfasts
1148.)                 being the mc this year  the Methodist home  children Epicurean Event
1149.)                  the fundraising ethics and care of Regina Hawse
1150.)                  the hug of miss kitty
1151.)                  the children served throughout the state by the Methodist home
1152.)                  the amazing restaurants that serve and come to the Epicurean event
1153.)                  the desire to give and create something wonderful so these children are served
1154.)                  the copper kettle prize!
1155.)                  Pine Valley Market coming year after year
1156.)                  the wonderful auctioneer and the fun with the auction
1157.)                 The voice I hear when I am coming to these and  the connection with people.
1158.)                 The absolute privilege to be in front of others and see good get connected to good
1159.)                  seeing those who use what they have to make a difference  others \
1160.)                 To all those who volunteer to make these events successful
1161.)                 To all those who serve during these events to help make those attending happy and feel good while there to want to give more and to come again
1162.)                 The stories of hope and survival
1163.)                 The carousel center for abused children
1164.)                 The amazing vision and non profit leadership of amy feath
1165.)                 The intersections of healing and hope for children with dss and law enforcement because of carousel
1166.)                 For family promise and any church in the area who uses their building to house and give shelter to homeless families
1167.)                 For habitat for humanity
1168.)                 For habitat really stepping it up and moving on affordable housing in a narrow market for the same
1169.)                 For habitat for humanities re-store and what an incredible resource that is
1170.)                 For the re-store being such a great way to better steward the environment as well
1171.)                 For the programs of WARM and what they do to keep folks in their homes
1172.)                 For Pheonix and helping people get ready to be able to get a job and make that connection to being employed and self sufficient
1173.)                 For LINC and transitioning those who are adjudicated and being that bridge back into the community to stop the merry go round
1174.)                 For the amazing work that good shepard does everyday to house, feed and then make steps to create a new direction for those who are homeless
1175.)                 For the amazing work on turning the property at greenfield into transitional housing and ensuring a place for those in need
1176.)                 For the harrelson center to keep moving forward to provide space for those who are trying to provide services
1177.)                 The municipal golf course
1178.)                 Allowing the golf course to be used for out city/county golf tournament for the united way
1179.)                 For places of integrity for end of life like Andrews mortuary.
1180.)                 For liberty health care and all they do for so many for hospice care and home health
1181.)                 For champion davis and the rehab center that helps so many gain back their full independence
1182.)                 For the Cape Fear Clinic being the only free clinic left in the region
1183.)                 To the extraordinary leadership of John Devaney at the clinic
1184.)                 The ability to dental care at the clinic
1185.)                 The widening of their services and maintaining funding in this difficult time of flux
1186.)                 For the tileston clinic still operating with its focus
1187.)                 For all who will give a dollar.
1188.)                 For all who see the need of another as their own
1189.)                 For all who see need as us not them
1190.)                 For all who see when they have enough, we all do
1191.)                 The continued inspiration of beth quinn
1192.)                 Beth receiving the old north state award
1193.)                 The message beth keeps delivering of LIFE LOVE and GRATITUDE!
1194.)                 To watch beth find a way in her own journey to serve others
1195.)                 The she rocks foundation and all its good works
1196.)                 Beth quinn’s eyes..nuff said J
1197.)                 Having the ability to touch each other in ways we may never know
1198.)                 For the ability to say I love you..I am thinking of you, even when we are a part of life has moved in different directions
1199.)                 The ability to correct wrongs
1200.)                 The ability to make amends (change, not just apologize)
1201.)                 The ability to accept that which we cannot change or that which just is
1202.)                 The ability to accept people for who they are, not who we wish them to be and love, before all else, love
1203.)                 The ability to give love, not necessarily like to all and have that be our first response
1204.)                 The abilty to actively seek out the positive and to be a part of what can make for a better world
1205.)                 NHRMC setting out to establish Health equity in our community
1206.)                 NHRMC, with the leadership of Dr. Phillip Brown, looking to see how to best make sure that the health of all is considered
1207.)                 NHRMC promoted Joe Conway to direct health equity
1208.)                 Joe Conway’s posts and tweets that not only feed and give inspiration but connect to substantive means to make real differences in relationships and the world around us.
1209.)                 For Sonya Perry’s posts everyday and what they bring to me
1210.)                 For Mary McGoldricks posts and tweets everyday and the inspiration they bring
1211.)                 For my cousin elaine and her posts and tweets and the insights she has to share
1212.)                 For Jessica Cannon and her posts and tweets and the thinking and inspiration that comes as a result
1213.)                 For following Dr. Travis Bradberry
1214.)                 For following Derick miller’s insights and ideas
1215.)                 For following Lynn Heritiage and her posts that spur on thought and ideas
1216.)                 For Harold Hodges and his pics but his words that keep me thinking and looking deeper
1217.)                 For all who use social media as a way to interrupt the negative, to cause a moment to think deeper, to go further, maybe inpire or to say something that is good or right or affirming, but more over say something that brings focus to a creative, good outcome that will lead to something better. So many do this and it is something we can do more of. (sorry, tangent)
1218.)                 Nourish NC
1219.)                 The over 900 kids a day who have food at home and on the weekends in a dignified and respectful way because of nourish
1220.)                 The Nourish farmers market that matches the kids with healthy options
1221.)                 Nourish seeing not only ways to make things healthier but show how to use the healthier ingredients
1222.)                 The amazing non profit vision and leadership of Steve McCrossan
1223.)                 The growth of Nourish to meet the needs of kids throughout the county who need food at home
1224.)                 All those who prepare the boxes for the kids
1225.)                 All those who prepare the back packs for the kids
1226.)                 All those kids who don’t come to school literally starving
1227.)                 All those kids who are able to focus and be successful because they have enough to eat
1228.)                 All those kids who have one more factor in their lives that can be established to help them be successful
1229.)                 The nourish warehouse having cold storage
1230.)                 The thousands of pounds of first use first quality produce to give to the kids
1231.)                 The nourish warehouse having enough to give out and to provide for those in need
1232.)                 The nourish gala and being honored to mc the event
1233.)                 The nourish gala raising much needed funds to help make the need and create what needs to happen
1234.)                 For the leadership and giving of Steve Worrell and being Nourish Volunteer of the year
1235.)                 For turning Slice of Life into a stream of giving to help others be successful
1236.)                 For Slice of Life being so daggone good! J
1237.)                 For the music of the masonboro group
1238.)                 For sharing a table with parents who turned their son’s loss into a giving opportunity
1239.)                 For watching Steve light up the DSS semi annual meeting with telling the story of nourish
1240.)                 For the many emails wanting to get involved after steve spoke form people who already spend their days doing so much for others
1241.)                 For designs by Marie
1242.)                 For the honesty and feedback of those who take risks to say what is happening
1243.)                 For the understanding that while heard, not always can anything be done
1244.)                 For the possible that might be done
1245.)                 For the many hands who wish to try to make a difference
1246.)                 For all about bundt cakes J
1247.)                 For all who give something to a silent auction to help raise funds for a non profit
1248.)                 For the difference that each dollar makes that moves a non profit forward to make its mission effect the world a little better.
1249.)                 The change in the way things are done so that there is a celebration of the possible not an exploitation of those in need
1250.)                  the musical talents of L shaped lot
1251.)                 Musical talent of susan savia
1252.)                 Musical talent of eric miller
1253.)                 Musical talent of Randy mcquay
1254.)                 Eric miller’s ‘into the garden” just by itself
1255.)                 Musical talk of midatlantic
1256.)                 Listening to midatlantic at cindy and ron’s
1257.)                 Cindy and ron’s being all about toys  tots and being one of the most wonderful parts of Christmas
1258.)                 Musical talent of Julie Rheder (and being certified as a harp therapist)
1259.)                 Musical talent of Jake Newman
1260.)                 Musical talent of the hatch brothers and Jenn
1261.)                 The musical talents of joey gore
1262.)                 The musical talents of the Wilmington celebration choir
1263.)                 The musical talents of Nancy King
1264.)                 The musical talents of Joe
1265.)                 The Musical talents of Bob
1266.)                 The musical talent of Stephen Erante
1267.)                 The musical talent of the Wilmington Symphony
1268.)                 The musical talent of Opera Wilmington
1269.)                 Carmen by Opera Wilmington
1270.)                 Having the privilege of being on stage with the cast of opera Wilmington
1271.)                 The amazing and stunning voices back stage at opera Wilmington
1272.)                 Listening to john callison sing in carmen! J
1273.)                 Listening to Daniel papparrozzi’s amazing voice in opera Wilmington
1274.)                 The stunning costumes in opera Wilmington
1275.)                 The artistry of mark sorenson
1276.)                 The cultural arts building at UNCW
1277.)                 The amazing theater at the cultural arts building
1278.)                 That we have super titles in opera Wilmington!
1279.)                 The entire event of opera Wilmington!
1280.)                 The musical talents of benny hill
1281.)                 The musical talents of grenaldo frazier
1282.)                 The musical talents of jack jack 180
1283.)                 Listening to music on the oceanic pier
1284.)                 Our Friday nights at the oceanic
1285.)                 The crystal pier
1286.)                 The access  all on the pier no matter what
1287.)                 Celebrating harolds’ 80th on the pier this summer
1288.)                 The best view of the ocean on the pier
1289.)                 Being able to officiate at weddings
1290.)                 The wedding of savannah and kyle
1291.)                 Two amazing young people who are doing so much already coming together to make a partnership and marriage
1292.)                 Being honored to hold a ceremony that will honor their wishes and include their families
1293.)                 The amazing views from balcony of the yacht club
1294.)                 The historic buildings from the 19th century and the expanse over the dunes
1295.)                 The perfect wedding  them on a beautiful day
1296.)                 The wedding of Kyle and Sarah
1297.)                 Seeing the two of them so happy and making this step
1298.)                 Enjoying time with them
1299.)                 Seeing Andrew with them and feeling so much a part
1300.)                 Enjoying watching the love that surrounded all of them
1301.)                 Seeing the wedding so perfectly
1302.)                 Standing in witness to their vows, so beautifully written
1303.)                 Seeing the coming together of a very fated couple
1304.)                 Enjoying seeing Norfolk  the first time
1305.)                 Grateful to see the birth of their precious angel
1306.)                 So grateful  kyle’s health
1307.)                 The miracle and the joy of the birth and the new home  all of them
1308.)                 Honored to be a guest at the wedding of Brandon and Courtey
1309.)                 To see What a stunning bride Courtney made
1310.)                 To watch what an incredible man brandon continues to become
1311.)                 To see those two make this step on a perfect November eve on the balcony at river landing
1312.)                 To see the sunset on that eve of their wedding and the beauty that surrounds them
1313.)                 To have been there when they met and see where they are now
1314.)                 To have officiated  Laura and Lisa and be there to make sure they were married and ally their fears after the election.
1315.)                  being able to marry all  love, not gender and not  any reason other than they were meant to marry…and are allowed to
1316.)                  having the privilege to bring words to their commitment how they wish it to be.
1317.)                  our register of deeds office making getting married a celebration  all people
1318.)                  being able to officiate  Incler and his bride
1319.)                 The register of deeds office making it easy  them no matter any language issues
1320.)                  the witness of a happy marriage  Ryan
1321.)                  the witness of a happy marriage James and Craig
1322.)                 The witness of a happy marriage of Chris Hoenig and Rachel
1323.)                 For the MDA Gala
1324.)                 For being asked to MC the gala dinner]
1325.)                 For working the auction with Alan Perry
1326.)                 For Perry’s Emporium
1327.)                 For all the good that Perry’s does for so many at all events
1328.)                 For helping me keep moving when these folks did not want to listen J
1329.)                 For the amazing young people who had attended the camp and gave some of their experiences to the crowd about what they had done.
1330.)                 For the work of the committee and all that they made happen in the evening;.
1331.)                 For Wilmington health
1332.)                 For Randy doing the pre event with the kids
1333.)                 For the art work the kids did and all the enthusiasm from the donors
1334.)                 For the work of Randy on WWAY and all he is doing
1335.)                 Tame the mane barber shop
1336.)                 Four seasons dry cleaners
1337.)                 The law prowess and giving of Boseman Associates
1338.)                 The law prowess and giving of Robbie Collins
1339.)                 The law prowess and giving of Murchison, Taylor and Gibson
1340.)                 The law prowess and giving of Trip Coyne
1341.)                 The law prowess and giving of Shipman and Wright
1342.)                 The law and prowess and giving of Steve Coggins
1343.)                 The Shipman planned giving society at the Miracle League of Wilmington
1344.)                 Lea and Schulz attorney’s at law
1345.)                 The legal defense fund
1346.)                 Our county attorney and over 32 year of service to NHC
1347.)                 All attorneys who give their services to non profits to make sure they are fit
1348.)                 Attorneys who see justice as the best outcome
1349.)                 Christina rivenbark and associates
1350.)                 Watching a friend have a new lease on life with redline construction
1351.)                 Sage salon and day spa
1352.)                 To be able to let go of my own selfishness for someone to stay and watch them become what they earned, even if it is another county. Miss him though.
1353.)                 seeing a friend find her calling at coastal horizons and get a calling at a church
1354.)                 seeing a friend have her one woman show come to life and find that joy!
1355.)                 The life of libby moore
1356.)                 The sacrifice and love of Nicole buckindail and how much that means
1357.)                 The life of scott corbett
1358.)                 To have memories of someone who believed in making the world better
1359.)                 For the brisket at mission bbq
1360.)                 For the awesomeness at el cerro grande
1361.)                 Being known when we go to places
1362.)                 Being a part of the community
1363.)                 Enjoying a sense of place
1364.)                 Truly knowing that we are a part of this community
1365.)                 Being glad to be here and be a part of this place
1366.)                 Others to come here and experience our home
1367.)                 Reading the Fish book this year and creating a customized training
1368.)                 creating the Public Values Training
1369.)                  for NHCTV capturing the training to share with others
1370.)                 to create a reignite your passion for public service workshop
1371.)                 to be a part of helping build a team experience and work on staffing at dss
1372.)                 to see the parts and look at ways to put it back together and find a means to create something that will make a difference
1373.)                 to watch a friend go through her personal issues and come out looking better than ever
1374.)                 to see a young professional get married and deal with job issues, but find success in the end
1375.)                 to be seen as someone who can be of assistance
1376.)                 to be of assistance from time to time
1377.)                 to connect people to each other and step aside
1378.)                 to see leadership Wilmington continuing and growing
1379.)                 to see the karl davis alumni award still be given and respect from the chamber
1380.)                 to see the  concerts at airlie still going strong
1381.)                 to see all sorts of good in the community, whether I take part or not and know it is there.
1382.)                 The service and dedication of Amanda lee as president of CFCC
1383.)                 The leadership of Marilyn Sherer as provost at UNCw
1384.)                 The wonderful marriage of Marilyn
1385.)                 The happy retirement of Cathy barlow and the amazing career of a truly amazing public servant and change agent.
1386.)                 Watching from a distance liz and paul hosier go all over the world
1387.)                 Seeing the amazing photographic art of Katherine McKenzie and her capturing such beauty and images from around the world
1388.)                 The most amazing july dinner on the porch
1389.)                 The greek cross which protects me everyday in my office.
1390.)                 Wrigthsville family practice
1391.)                 The practice of bart jones, md
1392.)                 Riverside dental arts and the practice of Gabe rich
1393.)                 Uppercut
1394.)                 That line in my hair though
1395.)                 Salon beyond basics doing the most amazing wigs for women going through treatment
1396.)                 Beach bagels baby!
1397.)                 Seeing jenna curry thrive and take over the Wilmington book!
1398.)                 Port city young professionals
1399.)                 All the good work that tek mountain is making happen
1400.)                 The cutting edge work that InnovateNC is making happen
1401.)                 The operatitionalizaiton of the biotech to really make this area move
1402.)                 The marine biology center at UNCWA
1403.)                 The aquarium at fort fisher
1404.)                 The big tank at fort fisher
1405.)                 The accessible playground at the aquarium
1406.)                 The boardwalk at Carolina beach
1407.)                 Mother’s swing on the board walk
1408.)                 The plant life taking up so well down there
1409.)                 The park at kure beach
1410.)                 The pier at kure beach
1411.)                 The fort fisher beach access area
1412.)                 For the property shop
1413.)                 For the real estate integrity of Patrice willetts
1414.)                 For the continued support for the community, using her resources and her business of michelle clark
1415.)                 The ability To able the wind on my face
1416.)                 The ability To feel the sun on my skin
1417.)                 The ability To feel the cool water of the ocean on my feet
1418.)                 The ability To be able to hear the laughter around me
1419.)                 The ability To be able to hear the conversations of those around me and at times be glad I am me and not them
1420.)                 The ability To be able to hear the conversations of those around me and at times be affirmed of the good in the world
1421.)                 The ability To receive the awareness I am granted and not be so concerned about what to do with it, just be ready when I will know
1422.)                 The ability to feel happy
1423.)                 The ability feel real tears
1424.)                 The ability To feel real sadness
1425.)                  The ability to mourn
1426.)                 The ability To grieve
1427.)                 The ability To be angry
1428.)                 The ability To have some ability to know how to process, better and better those feelings that are not good for me
1429.)                 For the stress in a strange way but it is a different stress, and leanring how to deal with it
1430.)                 For the ability to hear
1431.)                 For the desire to undertand
1432.)                 For the feeling of the sand under my feet
1433.)                 For the feeling of the shells in my hands
1434.)                 the hugs of others
1435.)                 being able to give hugs
1436.)                 being able to receive hugs
1437.)                 that I am seen as a hugger J
1438.)                 a look of love
1439.)                 a look of interest
1440.)                 honesty
1441.)                 being upfront
1442.)                 being clear
1443.)                 the feeling of the air from a fan
1444.)                 the fan in my office running
1445.)                 the feeling of the bubbles in a jet tub
1446.)                 the deep warmth of bath salts
1447.)                 the smell of an oil diffuser
1448.)                 the use of oils to cleanse and heal
1449.)                 the smell of a wood fire in the winter
1450.)                 the smell of candles in the house
1451.)                 the warm smell of a homecooked meal lingering in the house
1452.)                 the feel of a throw when its cold
1453.)                 the safe feeling of working at home and everyone is here and we are all together
1454.)                 to have access to health care
1455.)                 to have access to dental care
1456.)                 to have access to eyecare
1457.)                 to have glasses
1458.)                 to have life insurance
1459.)                 to have our taxes paid
1460.)                 to have sick days
1461.)                 to have vacation days
1462.)                 to work and be covered with disability insurance if need be
1463.)                 to be in a country that has FMLA
1464.)                 to be in a country that has Fair Labor standards (for now)
1465.)                 to have a job where there is a respectful workplace policy
1466.)                 to have a job where I am engaged and I feel like I can do somethings
1467.)                 for all those who choose public service
1468.)                 for all those who truly make it about the citizens we serve
1469.)                 for all those who have created a special place to make the community better
1470.)                 for all those who understand it is not what we have but what we do
1471.)                 for the desire to be of service
1472.)                 For the desire to love
1473.)                 For the desire to be loved
1474.)                 For compassion
1475.)                 For care
1476.)                 For using privilege in a way that serves more
1477.)                 To have been made aware of my own privilege and get rid of the victim
1478.)                 To have a disability and to live fully not in spite of but because of
1479.)                 To have every single lesson and experience to inform each action, each day
1480.)                 To have the ability to not have to repeat mistakes over and over
1481.)                 To let mistakes shape improvement
1482.)                 To let mistakes inform others
1483.)                 To live more in the moment and have more time being alive
1484.)                 To value being in the moment and truly being a part of life
1485.)                 To not want so much for the moment to be over that is stressful but to destress in the moment has it is the only one I have and the next is not guaranteed…waiting to get to some happy destination could result in an endless wait. It is about the now
1486.)                 Time to just shut down
1487.)                 The scholarships doing so well and growing
1488.)                 The LS Bo Dean Honors Scholars Endowment at UNCW
1489.)                 The Thad Dankel Mathematics Scholarship Endowment at UNCW
1490.)                 The Boseman-Tenhuisen Scholarship Endowment at UNCW
1491.)                 The Ada Zola King Dean Annual Honors Scholarship in Nursing at UNCW
1492.)                 The Betsy Irvine Women’s Leadership/Studies Scholarship at UNCW
1493.)                 The Nancy Phelps Hodges/Martha Stines Freeze Women’s Empowerment Scholarship at CFCC
1494.)                 The Levy/Bruce Honors Scholarship at UNCW Endowment (and it being finished this year and fully endowed)
1495.)                 The John Myers Art History Scholarship
1496.)                 The Windell Daniels Public Housing and Section Eight Scholarship at UNCW
1497.)                 Uncw advancement and all they are doing to grow helping students be successful without the burden of debt
1498.)                 Seeing pete get married
1499.)                 Seeing pete be the most amazing teacher
1500.)                 Seeing nate get married
1501.)                 Seeing nate be the most amazing leader and grow so
1502.)                 Seeing james blow it out of the water in leadership with his center
1503.)                 Seeing kimberly, our dr., have her first child..such a blessing
1504.)                 Seeing dr. egg..such a force of nature, mature woman and professional force and mother of twins
1505.)                 Seeing so many of the youngin’s thriving and do so much!
1506.)                 To see Amanda become a judge!
1507.)                 To see mike doing his thing as a bishop
1508.)                 To see one of our own get elected to Raleigh council
1509.)                 For watching samuel get his masters
1510.)                 Watching Jeremy get his masters!
1511.)                 See Ashley do so much and be his authentic self and make such bold and wonderful steps!
1512.)                 Admiring Jennifer making a decision to be more at home with her child and focusing on what is most important. I miss her but so grateful for her!
1513.)                 Watching colin and michelle soar after making faith based decisions and seeing the fruits of that!
1514.)                 That Nathan and others in florida are ok after the hurricanes
1515.)                 That Vivian has such resiliency after losing her home in the islands
1516.)                 That Antonio and others from Puerto rico with families have continued to work through to get help
1517.)                 All those who cared about those in Puerto rico and the islands
1518.)                 All those who gave to relief efforts in those areas
1519.)                 All those who continue to monitor those issues and demand justice for our fellow citizens
1520.)                 For us not having had a storm this year
1521.)                 All the preparation that was ready to go if we did have a storm
1522.)                 Knowing that we have time to leave if we need to
1523.)                 Knowing that we have the ability to leave
1524.)                 Knowing things can be replaced
1525.)                 Letting the stress leave as we rely on each other
1526.)                 Learning to shut off all news except the national weather service
1527.)                 Learning not to look at any posts from any “experts” that are not part of the national weather service
1528.)                 To remember we live here so we kinda have been through these and can not relax but don’t have to freak either
1529.)                 Know that the dog can fit in the car with whatever we take J
1530.)                 Know that I will at work when everyone else leaves
1531.)                 When all is said and done, I ain’t in charge, so just hush up
1532.)                 For that inner voice I was told about all those years ago
1533.)                 That voice that keeps me doing the next right thing
1534.)                 That gut level pull that points me in the right direction
1535.)                 When I listen to that gut level pull as I most likely going to stay clear of trouble
1536.)                 For the assurance that gut level and that voice is not me
1537.)                 For knowing more and more that there is more purpose than I every thought
1538.)                 For feeling at ease
1539.)                 For returning the shopping cart
1540.)                 Picking up the trash
1541.)                 Closing the door
1542.)                 Cleaning up a dish
1543.)                 Doing all those things that I am pulled to do….and love it
1544.)                 Waking up on time in the morning
1545.)                 Making it to work on my worst days
1546.)                 Making it to work on my best days
1547.)                 Getting to sleep
1548.)                 Having some sleep
1549.)                 Really resting when I am at sleep
1550.)                 Giving myself a wide birth to get some rest
1551.)                 The column, humor and love of Celia Rivenbark
1552.)                 The hug from her in the grocery store and our 6 degrees
1553.)                 The continued legacy that resonates in this area from Jack Barto
1554.)                 The new footprint being created and the legacy built upon by john Gizdic
1555.)                 The bruce shell government center
1556.)                 The andre mallette training rooms
1557.)                 The leadership of the county commission
1558.)                 Seeing new policy reach meet the need of those we serve
1559.)                 Smart start of new hanover county
1560.)                 All who understand we need to make sure all our children have the first 8 years on the right footing
1561.)                 Wilmington plastic surgery
1562.)                 Dr. White’s generous offering of his boat at charity events
1563.)                 All of the partners doing so much for so many
1564.)                 All the work done for restorative surgery for those in need
1565.)                 The life work of those in the practice for helping others around the world
1566.)                 The champions for public school education
1567.)                 New Hanover county teachers
1568.)                 Our superintendent of schools, Tim Markley
1569.)                 Our Airport Director, Julie Wilsey,
1570.)                 The enormous economic development that is taking place because of what the airport is doing and how they do it
1571.)                 The Cape Fear Fair and expo
1572.)                 The air show
1573.)                 The Live Oak Hanger
1574.)                 Air Wilmington
1575.)                 Our ABC director, Marnie
1576.)                 All the money that comes back into the community from the abc stores
1577.)                 The new addition to our community at the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce with Natalie English
1578.)                 The art of Owen Wexler
1579.)                 The Osher Center for Lifelong learning
1580.)                 Port City Escape
1581.)                 All the team building done at port city escape
1582.)                 The training acumen of molly nece
1583.)                 The training acumen of karen pappas
1584.)                 The training acumen offered through the SWAIN center
1585.)                 The training acumen offered through cape fear community workforce development
1586.)                 The work at CFCC of Travis Corpening
1587.)                 The training acumen of Lynn Whitsell
1588.)                 The training acumen of our NHC Training collaborative
1589.)                 For all those who help to train and develop others to be successful
1590.)                 For cruiser’s carwash
1591.)                 For parkway volvo
1592.)                 For the best technicians on cars anywhere
1593.)                 For the best service department anywhere
1594.)                 Having some dents on my car and not flipping out
1595.)                 Getting the car fixed when it is a problem and not being to upset cause I am using it
1596.)                 Helping someone with the car
1597.)                 Using the car to do good things
1598.)                 Making our lives better with the car
1599.)                 Having a car I can transport a kayak
1600.)                 Having a car I can take things to the dump
1601.)                 Having a car I can drive around with jax in
1602.)                 Driving around town with jax
1603.)                 Driving to the beach with jax in the car
1604.)                 Having a car that is safe in this crazy town
1605.)                 To see tom in a relationship and happy!
1606.)                 The true gift of working with all of us with port city escape
1607.)                 Having great service at places we go
1608.)                 Our hulu
1609.)                 Having a few guilty pleasures
1610.)                 Watching really bad sitcoms at night
1611.)                 Watching bad british tv
1612.)                 Watching cooking shows
1613.)                 Watching Murder by Death and Clue repeatedly
1614.)                 Casey’s chicken and pastry
1615.)                 For absolutely having grandmother dean back in the room when that chicken in pastry in my mouth
1616.)                 Having bowled this year and loved every minute of it and want to do it some more[bd1] !
1617.)                 Not having to deal with cable
1618.)                 The best at and t store around and service
1619.)                 Port city java
1620.)                 My port city java café on racine
1621.)                 Everyone at racine knowing me and knowing I need when I come
1622.)                 Porty city java and all they do for so many
1623.)                 Port city java being everywhere in the city
1624.)                 PCJ giving to non profit events
1625.)                 The artistry of Lisa Schniztler and her chair at Cameron
1626.)                 The Cameron show with everyone’s paintings and work in it.
1627.)                 Having a piece from our collection of art in the Cameron art museum show
1628.)                 The Cameron art museum
1629.)                 The Cameron art museum art school
1630.)                 The whirly gig on the property
1631.)                 The celebration of paul
1632.)                 For keeping claude safe on the grounds
1633.)                 For the memories I will hold for a lifetime
1634.)                 Naming me a magpie for which I am and will always be
1635.)                 Introducing me to hiroshi
1636.)                 Hiroshi’s pottery in every form it takes
1637.)                 The Cameron store
1638.)                 Kids at cam
1639.)                 The work of kim Kelly and advocacy
1640.)                 The amazing exhibit team and registrar Holly and Bob
1641.)                 The art of virginia wright Frierson
1642.)                 The Minnie evans bottle house
1643.)                 The art of Elizabeth singletary
1644.)                 For my angels that Elizabeth made for us
1645.)                 For the blue bird with scripture
1646.)                 The art of dumay Gorham
1647.)                 The art of Sullivan Anlyan
1648.)                 The art of mary ellen golden
1649.)                 The art of Harold hodges
1650.)                 The magic of the pictures from Harold being shared on facebook
1651.)                 The magic of harold’s writing
1652.)                 The piece Harold’s work hanging in the student union at UNCW
1653.)                 All of Harold’s photography that we own
1654.)                 To hear harold say that he is working on his art
1655.)                 To hear Harold talk about printing and making more art
1656.)                 For the love of seeing the world and capturing it in a way that others might embrace it and understand a point of view, a moment in time, a perspective..a beauty. 
1657.)                 Being able to visit mother’s quilting at UNCW
1658.)                 For having some of mother’s at work
1659.)                 For having some of mother’s life drawings from college
1660.)                 For having some of mother’s crafts from when she set up house when she was young
1661.)                 For being exposed to art as a young child and all the wonder of it.
1662.)                 Visiting the AIDS memorial quilt at the fisher student union that we made
1663.)                 The art of Elizabeth darrow
1664.)                 The art council here
1665.)                 The vision and leadership of Rhonda Bellamy
1666.)                 WHQR
1667.)                 The retirement of Cleve Callison and his legacy of a station literally saved
1668.)                 The WHQR Gallery
1669.)                 Friday night gallery walk
1670.)                 The art of David Norris
1671.)                 The beautiful pencil drawing of David Norris
1672.)                 The artistry of liz hosier
1673.)                 The art of joel Berquist in our home
1674.)                 The connection to joel from our shared childhoods
1675.)                 The art of arlene pulley
1676.)                 The connection to arlene from daddy and seeing her so happy
1677.)                 The art of Stephanie holt
1678.)                 The use of her home gallery to raise money with art for non profits
1679.)                 Dreams of Wilmington
1680.)                 Dreams celebrating 25 years in Wilmington
1681.)                 Dreams thriving on Fanning street
1682.)                 The artistry of aaron wilcox
1683.)                 The ceramic studio at UNCW
1684.)                 The art department at uncw
1685.)                 Being able to share a handmade piece of aaron’s work with each employee as they reach their five year mark for recognition
1686.)                 Wine and design for groups to raise money and create
1687.)                 Kids making it on castle
1688.)                 The woodworking entrepreneurship of the kids at kids making
1689.)                 The partnership with kids making it for our recognition program
1690.)                 The expansion of kids making it and the footprint into making a better place to serve
1691.)                 The leadership and vision of Jimmy Pierce
1692.)                 The leadership and vison of Kimberly boyce
1693.)                 The changes that happen with the youth through kids making it
1694.)                 The opportunities that exist when we all focus efforts on activities and means to reach kids where they are and give them what they need to be successful
1695.)                 The leadership, advocacy and work of Jana Hall Jones
1696.)                 The youth enrichment zone
1697.)                 The blue ribbon commission
1698.)                 Building whole families in the zone
1699.)                 Finally building a bridge that should have been a part of the original building for
1700.)                 The buying of the land on the o
1701.)                 ther side of turn key and the future home of the salvation army
1702.)                 The sale of the Winfield smith property
1703.)                 The turning of the winfield smith property into a WPD training facility
1704.)                 the  donation of the land for the glow academy school
1705.)                 the shaw speakes gym and the programming for our youth
1706.)                 visting the shaw speakes building and learning some of its history
1707.)                 the mlk center
1708.)                 the gymnasium at the mlk center
1709.)                 the fit for fun center
1710.)                 the althea Gibson tennis center and complex
1711.)                 the mosely center
1712.)                 the legacy of mary mosely
1713.)                 the Rachel freeman award at uncw
1714.)                 the martha Duncan award at uncw
1715.)                 The passing of the lab school with UNCW
1716.)                 The good work that is already being done at DC Virgo
1717.)                 the amazing work and leadership of the principle at DC Virgo
1718.)                 the leadership and vision of Dean Dempsey at the Watson College Of Education
1719.)                 the leadership and vision of Dr. Roseboro at the Watson College
1720.)                 Dr. Roseboro being the highest ranking woman of color at UNCW and the first in the Watson College
1721.)                 Wilma Daniels being re-elected as chair of the board of trustees of the UNCW board of trustees
1722.)                 The Wilma daniels gallery
1723.)                 The Windell Daniels room at CFCC
1724.)                 The Windell Daviels Scholarship at UNCW for person who are from public housing and or section eight
1725.)                 Daniels family management
1726.)                 The legacy of the daniels family in the heart walk
1727.)                 The legacy of Windell in me
1728.)                 The Williston room at the cape fear museum
1729.)                 The Williston alumni helping to keep telling the full story of the cape fear
1730.)                 The exhibits at the cape fear museum
1731.)                 The installation on Dr. Gray at the Cape Fear Musuem
1732.)                 The science education for our area youth at the cape fear museum
1733.)                 Opening up the history of the region to me so I can teach others from historian Jan Davidson
1734.)                 The course: NHC Past Present and Future which teaches all about where we come from and how this affects and connect to our present and how it could affect our future or inform it.
1735.)                 The museum park
1736.)                 The museum film exhibits
1737.)                 Building robots at the museum
1738.)                 Learning the block exercises for team building
1739.)                 The amazing educators
1740.)                 The mobile planetarium
1741.)                 The new Hanover room at the public library
1742.)                 The library sale
1743.)                 The amazing books that come from the library sale for our professional development
1744.)                 The money saved on the current and credentialed books gotten from the library sale
1745.)                 The money made to help support the library from the library sale
1746.)                 All the volunteers that help with the library sale
1747.)                 The amazing resources offered at the nHC libraries
1748.)                 The access to the internet so many have through our library
1749.)                 Access to online education that so many have because of the library
1750.)                 The kids programs and life long learning that begins with our libraries
1751.)                 The new library being approved down at pine valley
1752.)                 The northeast branch having the training rooms
1753.)                 The public spaces in all the branches
1754.)                 The amazing possibilities in project grace
1755.)                 The beauty of seeing the potential in making public spaces more vibrant, accessible and complete
1756.)                 Complete communities and better use overall
1757.)                 The vision of planning and inclusion
1758.)                 The beauty of some of the historic structures and elements of our region
1759.)                 The Riverwalk being finished
1760.)                 Being able to jog or walk the Riverwalk at all hours of the day or night
1761.)                 The vision that brought the Riverwalk
1762.)                 The vision that completed the Riverwalk
1763.)                 The markers on the Riverwalk that speak to our past with slavery and the tunneling out to the river
1764.)                 The pedestrian art that is placed along the way
1765.)                 The moving of the world war 1 monument to the Riverwalk to make more accessible
1766.)                 The veterans memorial on the Riverwalk
1767.)                 Riverfront park
1768.)                 The riverfront farmer’s market
1769.)                 The second pride festival
1770.)                 The best pride festival to date
1771.)                 The biggest pride festival
1772.)                 The most amazing celebration of inclusion in the pride festival on the riverfront
1773.)                 The groups for the pride festival working together and seeing a common vision
1774.)                 The music and celebration
1775.)                 Lauren scott and her amazing performances at the festival making it so special
1776.)                 All the youth feeling included and seeing themselves in their city
1777.)                 Being approached by a youth that has recently come out and being told how much they appreciate the place they live
1778.)                 Hugging the “old timers” and cherishing seeing something come out of the days gone by and other work
1779.)                 SAGE,
1780.)                 CapeFearEquality,
1781.)                 MCC St. Judes,
1782.)                 Wilmington Pride
1783.)                 Knowing that this very list grew out of the efforts from all those years ago of a group like these.
1784.)                 PFLAG of Wilmington
1785.)                 The transgender support groups
1786.)                 The advocacy and work of TR Nunley
1787.)                 The advocacy and work of Jeff Mills
1788.)                 The advocacy and work of Duane Adams
1789.)                 The advocacy and work of Sara Westermark
1790.)                 The advocacy and work of Lynn Heritage
1791.)                 The advocacy and work of Lynn Harris
1792.)                 The advocacy and work of Jessica Cannon
1793.)                 The advocacy and work of Megan Mullins
1794.)                 The advocacy and work of Derick Miller
1795.)                 The advocacy and work and JOY of Stonewall Kickball
1796.)                 The advocacy and work of Lorraine Barnes
1797.)                 The advocacy and work of Scott Sellers
1798.)                 The advocacy and work of
1799.)                 The advocacy, legacy, and standards set by Bob Jenkins
1800.)                 The spiritual ministry of John Mclaughlin
1801.)                 The spiritual ministry of Cheryl Walker
1802.)                 The outreach of First Presbyterian Church
1803.)                 The open arms services and ministries
1804.)                 The spiritual ministries from First Christian Church
1805.)                 The ministries form Universalist Unitarians
1806.)                 The ministries from Unity Christ Church
1807.)                 The ministries from Gregory United.
1808.)                 To continue to breathe
1809.)                 To be alive
1810.)                 To enjoy one day at a time the revelation of what is to come and what is
1811.)                 To know that what is behind me is pretty stunning and grace, so what is infront of me, well, I can be assured that while there may be hills, there will be good to come….here’s to more…and grateful these days are never alone!


L.S. "Bo" Dean Jr.
Romans 12
"Have a nice day, unless you've made other plans!"
              "EVERY problem has a solution!"

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